Shittiest boss in fromsoft history

not even debatable

Attached: elden-ring-malenia.jpg (1800x900, 180.37K)

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Lol Frost stomp

Yeah, thie game in general has the worst bosses in fromsoft library. Why is every boss now a bloodborne boss on steroids? Every boss is stupidly aggresive, long crazy combos and they recover almost instantly leaving no chance to attack.

People shit on Maliketh..but I found him to actually be a pretty good boss?

Attached: Blackbalde-Phase-2-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 108.8K)

i agree that they are all extremely agressive but none of em are as badly designed as malenia. if you try to fight her with a STR build, you're just fucked. you get punished extremely hard every time you try to land a hit on her, she fucks you up and gets a ton of her health back. not even to mention her killer combo, thats just ridiculous.
yeah its a pretty hard boss but its great in comparison to malenia lmao

Maliketh took me 4 hours to kill with a greatsword. but in the end the fight is completely doable and you can no-hit it just by learning his every move. Malenia is almost impossible to nohit without using a shield. ive gotten close to killing her couple of times, it can be done

i kinda got the hang of her first phase and can do it pretty well. but her 2nd phase is just too much

Why can't you do this Any Forums?

I went full STR and it is not enjoyable when fighting bosses. But I hate the bosses in this game, I think they just really suck for the most part. From completely lost their way with bosses, they used to be challenging but enjoyable and I would look forward to the next one

LMAO pussy.
Do it with an Ultra Greatsword (and not godskin slayer) either.

Agreed. She's everything bad about modern FROM boss design all rolled up into one boss. There's nothing fun about fighting her and once you beat her there's no feeling of "oh man I can't wait to fight her again" it's just thankful fucking relief that I never have to fight her again
He's a great boss brought down by a mediocre phase 1 that honestly shouldn't have been there. If the entire fight was just the phase 2 fight he'd probably be my favorite boss in ER

idk what weapon you're using, but i had a blast with the guts greatsword throughout the whole game. at the beginning it even felt overpowered. but yeah, the endgame bosses are terrible for STR builds

>2 reliable punish moves in phase 1 (long lunge sweep and groundstab fakeout) and a single move (sweep-overhead combo) in phase 2
Junk boss but I agree that he's still better than most other bosses

I hecking love fighting giants on a horse.

Attached: poke1.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Just parry bro

how did you even get a hit in on bosses? They only stop attacking for about 1 second. I switch between claymore and greataxe mainly but both are too slow for the main bosses. I'm at Rhdan and now and its just awful and I'm lvl 81 I still feel underlevelled

The only thing I hate about him is his beggar first phase. He should have just been Maliketh from the beginning.

You don't wait for enemies to stop attacking, you get them in their long windup animations designed to bait you into early rolls. Use jump attacks too, they're faster and more poise damage.

shittiest as in got absolutely shat on

Attached: joblenia jobber of miquella.webm (976x550, 2.91M)

I actually do roll during those attacks so I'll try that but you're still gonna eat tons of damage still cause you can't stun bosses. They should have ported the poise meter over from sekiro too

cool. now do it without cheesing her, i dare you motherfucker
just spam jump attacks. if you have your weapon with a heavy ash of war and have around 40/50 strength you should be doing considerable damage to radahn though. maybe you have to reinforce your weapon more? that's really important

the bosses do have a hidden posture meter though. you have to spam heavy/ jump attacks in quick succession and the boss gets staggered, usually letting you do a visceral attack.

shes already dead, jim. the bossfight sucks balls anyways, she deserves the cheese, lets not pretend otherwise.

*hits you with an AoE DOT that went through a wall*
*immediately starts flying around the second the animation finishes*

yeah hard agree lmao. i beat her with blasphemous blade (faith build) and was able to kill her just because i could stunlock her on the 2nd phase making her constantly fall on the floor. i regret nothing.