Not one black NPC, boss or character in the entire game

>not one black NPC, boss or character in the entire game

How do they get away with it?

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I never liked the idea of elden ring and when it began gaining traction I realized what piece of anti-white garbage propaganda it truly was going to be.

The previous games had plenty of completely black enemies, they had to balance it out a little.

The japanese hate negroids, only in the west we are slaves to them.

the only good thing it did is absolutely filter bloodbourne and sekiro fags

What do you mean, there's a black npc in the swamp? Sure he's a massive criminal who will get raped by the Dung Eater and sells cooked shrimp

Isn't Nepheli half black? She's too dark to just be tan.

*blocks your path*

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What do you mean? Plenty of the bosses are absolutely double niggers in Elden Ring.


It's kinda funny some soilord made an article crying about the lack of black options in the character creator, but no one even pretends to care that they aren't in the game.

patches also comes to mind as a giant double nigger but for different reasons than the bosses

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They just made a game and nobody cared because they didn't report every single part of development to twitter fags or video game "journalists"

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why do you care one way or the other

Nepheli is brown


>filters bloodborne and sekiro fags
>unites DS1/2/3 fags
How do they do it?

it's bot

>Summoning Patches for Radahn
>Approach Radahn
>Patches has left your world
Get back here you fucker and do something!

are there any deserts in elden ring's universe i haven't finished playing it nor looked @ the lore at all. but can u answer my question im not going to google it

The Blackguard at the Boilprawn is Shack is visibly black, NPCs here probably havent discovered him though

It's cute when casuals like you think the game is hard, why don't you fuck off back to r gaming, zoomer.

Cause let’s be real Elden Ring is just DS4. With that said we don’t need DS4 because elden ring exists.

kek what a fucking asshole

>has an incredibly low class British accent
>also happens to be one of the swarthy individuals in the game
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

this thread so far
>I think that character is black, he/she kinda looks like it but I'm not 100% sure

so the game is based, there isn't some big lipped nigger with an afro standing around being obvious and coming across as pandering. If there are black npcs they are subtle and not in your face.


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Fuck niggers