Get summoned for a boss

>get summoned for a boss
>host goes ahead and summons another guy or even an NPC
>enters the arena before you even finish the summoning animation so you have to rush behind him
>skips boss cinematic
>eats every hit of the first combo the boss does

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>skips boss cinematic
how is this an issue

Cinematics only play the first time you get to the boss


>has all the meta faggot gear
>doesn't land a single hit
these are the same faggots that you found fighting fatalist with defender gear on mhworld.

This is why I love the new invasion system: you only invade the pussies who summoned help.

>get summoned for radahn
>wait forever for the host to finish summoning other phantoms
>finally enter the boss area, run straight at him with other summons to divert his aggro
>host gets OS by the first magic arrow
rince and repeat

it happens in every boss, I'm currently in Morgot and some fucker with bleed and frost katanas just died in 15 seconds

Means they didn't even try to fight the boss clean

I don't mind helping, but it's pathetic if they didn't have to resort to summons

>get summoned
>its a dude with the meme katana
>at fucking morgott
>he summons ANOTHER co op dude, some chad with the anchor

>host enters fog

>me and the other summon just squat at the entrance.

goddamn i loves the souls community sometimes.

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>host waits for 5 minutes while summoning another player repeatedly fails and I'm spamming r1 on the fog wall
I'm good at the game bro just fucking let me at the boss...

That's true, the winning strategy in most invasions is to just bumrush the host because they won't be able to react properly.

You only cost him a gold furled. They're not rare

Was he also wearing Carian Knight set too? It's the Fallen Knight set of Elden Ring

Fuck Morgott, I've been helping there for the past 20 minutes and I got a grand total of zero kills, I have no idea how some people manage to progress through the game.

i used this and been playing for like 20-25 hours with this item active and noone summoned me for help
not even once

i wonder if people dont know they can call for help when someone invades them or servers are fucked up

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Im there to help new players too.

when googling kids show up with moonveil and STILL summon two people, im gonna fuck with em.

simple as.

>summoned for Caelid Fallingstar Beast again

Was the boss really that hard?

While some people might be googling, Moonveil isn't that hard to find, and Samurai is already a popular class so people will want to replace their Uchigatana with a shiny new one that fires anime shockwaves.

I've had one instance where the message of getting invaded didn't even show up until after the host was being backstabbed because we were focused on an enemy. That was some bullshit, must've spawned right next to us.

>takes two fingers to garner a woman's attention
>without a bitch on your shoulder you're worthless
Why do you incels play this game? It's contrary to all your life decisions and out right mocking you.

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#Sigmar male grindset