Video Game Collection Thread

Post your collections. Doesn't matter how big or small. I enjoy seeing what other people have.

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Shelf of a man who doesn't actually play any games.

and hoarding is cringe


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enjoy my steam library

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Damned if you do damned if you don't. This place fucking sucks now.

honestly the only thing on there I'm impressed by is the panasonic gamecube
theyre neat

Get a life, loser

Nigger, he posted a shelf full of N64s and GCs with very few vidya at the very fucking bottom.

if I post my spindle of burned ps1 games will that prove I actually play games?

Yeah, and? Its video games. Unlike the literal picture of a pussy thats up right now.

sorry breh
the symphonic green one is nice tho

'sup, bitches.

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not him, but acquire money, retard

>Acquire money and waste it on a bunch of shitty ass games
drink bleach, nigger

'sup, no bitches

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everything is wasting it, user. Buying avocado toasts is wasting it. Buying a rolex is wasting it. Going to a movie is wasting it because you could have pirated it. Spending it on a girl is definitely wasting it.

If you get enjoyment out of it, though, that counters the waste a little bit.

This nigga gets it. Based. inb4 contrarians.

holy shit the number of newfags in this thread...

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>That's so "Gamer with more console colors than games"