How come people still can't get good at Dark Souls games?

How come people still can't get good at Dark Souls games?

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>the most difficult thing about elden ring is finding a reason to give a fuck
Slam dunk

As someone who died constantly in Nioh and Bloodborne, I don't see how anyone could say this game is hard. I'm five hours in and suck at games but I've died maybe ten times. Just use summons and grind.

Should I know or care who razorfist is ?

>caring about yearly fromshit rehashes

This dude still cosplays as an 80s trannyrocker?

Weebs hate Elden Ring though?

literally who

damn hating popular shit is METAL AS FUCK

You have to go back.

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Holy Freakin' Based!


I think he has a reasonably attractive girlfriend too

I don't know why he thinks souls is a weeb thing, i'm a proud weeb and I fucking hate fromsofts garbage, I never read or watched ASOIAF but I don't much care for GRRM either just based on his refusal to finish his work or at least offically cancel it

He's right. The story is non-existent and the characters are complete shit.

Holy Fuck is this twink still around?
I remeber watching him in high school like 12 years ago.

you don't need a story

Based fuck from drones

Yes, but does he have a baby on the way like his brother from another mother?
I agree, George R. R. Martin and Fromsoft are both hacks. He's still wrong about pineapple on pizza and steak though.

>good at Dark Souls games?
because... they are totally good at other genres?

>twitter cap thread

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i'm a so-called "weeb" and i hate soulstroonshit. it's ashamed of being japanese and basically tries to emulate bethesda "games."

He is the Armond White of gaming

In a 100+ hour open world game? You sure about that? This isn't an 8 hour arcade game like the previous souls games

>Everything has to appeal to ME

Styx when he hasn't had his caffeine.

the biggest crime the internet ever committed was tricking people into thinking their opinions had any merit

You just described every braindead twitter user like

> bruh, let me fellate Thief again real quick, frfr


I was thinking the same thing, can't believe he's still on the same shtick

It's the easiest souls game since DeS if you actually use the mechanics they give you. If you give yourself dumb limitations then it's extra hard. Stranger of Paradise is going to be the same way from the demo, they REALLY want to you parry(and swap jobs to reset your stagger gauge so you can keep parrying) if you want to keep being aggressive so dodging like Nioh is going to make people think the game is way harder than it should be.

>implying I use Twitter

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In 100+ hour games you MAKE the story.

I just assumed he'd just gone the way of Alphaomegasin, SilentRob, PMrants or most of the videogame rant channels from that era. Guess i was wrong

>Tried Dark Souls
>Trued Bloodborne
I didn't enjoy them. The games are really straightforward, predictable, too "video game" like in their design. You feel like you've seen it a thousand times before. Every great challenge is more tedious than skill-demanding.

I'm a total casual though and play fighting games on easy mode haha.