
>Two niggers spamming Moonveil Katana weapon art at you while the hostnigger stands in the back rapidfiring magic missiles
>Never get a single opening to attack
>Mistime a roll and die instantly
>If you survive long enough a Hunter shows up and turns it into a 4v1
>Every invasion is exactly like this

Once again, why are invasions even in this game? They clearly don't want you to use this mechanic.

Attached: invasion.jpg (800x450, 50.73K)

And why are 90% of the people in this game mages? Even if it's a dude in heavy armor with a giant axe he pulls out a staff and starts casting spells that do insane damage.

Not using magic is like missing out on half the game.

Not me. My weapon is my strength alone.

Attached: 5.jpg (728x1171, 240.89K)

Git gud, OP.

Because you would've bitched even more if they completely removed it. Go on and cry gankbitch.

I miss the old invasions too. I also dont see a reason why they cut so much of the multiplayer aspect of the game.
It was the sole reason why Dark Souls 3 was still going so strong years after release.
I can understand that some casuls can get frustrated if they repeatedly get their shit fucked up by PvP tryhards, but why did they cut down on the maximum number of Invaders present? Atleast 100 of my DS3 hours were spent just getting summoned in the Ringed City, to have chaotic fights on the streets with many Invaders. This was the most fun part of this game.

Because you niggers are twinking so hard literally since demons souls that no one likes you. Literally more than half of the user base don't want invasions at all, you guys brought this upon yourselves.

>starts new build
>level 25 +5
>friend start muling itens at church of elleh
>moonveil mage nigger invades
Twinking is bad.

I hope they add onto the multiplayer aspect of the game in the Dlcs. It feels underdeveloped in its current state.

If they were worried about casuals getting invaded they could give them a way to opt out while they're alone. Dark Souls you could opt out of invasions by playing through the whole game hollow. If you were getting invaded constantly it was probably because you wanted it.

These Niggers were a minority though. Most people just enjoyed having brawls in Gank City.

The game definitely needs balance patches and and handles invasions worse than in the past, but regardless, you don't have the right mindset for invading.

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I beat ds3 offline and only used embers a couple of time during bosses. People cry about invaders while summoning overleveled friends and blues to help.

>Literally more than half of the user base don't want invasions at all
then find a new series nigger, why remove one of the things that makes the souls series unique just to appease people afraid of losing to another player

I've made my peace with it. This was the inevitable conclusion to the direction they've been going in.

never mind the ganking, they need to fucking fix the invader spawns already. im getting fucking tired of spawning in at the entire opposite end of a dungeon from a host. if i use a phantom finger to relocate it still puts me either in the same place or in another completely out of the way location half the time. bonus points for being put in a location where you literally CANNOT reach the host on foot (castle morne). when this happens i just fucking leave. im not gonna run and use elevators for ten whole minutes just to reach the host.

not sure
was excited waiting for mules but it's going to be a shitfest

Why do you keep making the same thread over and over?
Are you that afraid of invading again because you got ganked once?

This. I'm buying up all the magic shit I see for my second run. For now I'm full oonga boonga melee.

maybe stop trying to ruin other people's fun? you invaders are such losers

getting invaded is fun

Sounds to me like invaders are currently the ones afraid of losing to another player and their friends though :)

So you can overcome adversity. Do you need an easy mode for your invasions? Maybe you can go wine about it on Twitter.

welcome to casouls.

Yeah I wish I could've gotten invaded while playing solo, it's more fun that way. But, I guess twinking tryhards ruined the fun for everyone.

I feel like Miyazaki tried playing a few Souls games and kept getting raped by invaders, so now he's salty.

Go back to plebbit faggots. These games aren't meant to be a le wholesome hugbox. If engaging in occasional PVP "ruins your fun" then you're just bad at the game.

>if i use a phantom finger to relocate
is that what those fingers do?? holy shit

>Equip Taunter's Tongue in one of my pocket slots
>Wanna use it like Dried Fingers in 3 cause I like being invaded sometimes (can always just not use it when I wanna progress)
>It can't be used in almost all locations while playing solo, I saw like 2 minor dungeons I could use it in, you can't even use it in large zones like Stormveil Castle
Utterly fucking baffling.

competent invaders do not come here they are in game , 4v1 means nothing when the weapon arts and spells are so broken they kill anyone in 2 seconds

only shitters come here to complain

Attached: https___i.cdn.tbs.com_assets_images_2021_04_Shazam-teaser-1024x1536.jpg (1024x1536, 187.19K)

im bad at the game and i enjoy being invaded

The red-phantom tarnished character is called "the loathsome dung eater". Miyazaki is literally calling you fags shit eaters and you still don't get it.

Never played a single souls game. Is there any point to invasions or is it just le ebin pvp stuff?