Will a sequel ever have more SOVL than the original in gaming?

Will a sequel ever have more SOVL than the original in gaming?

Attached: 90898-0.jpg (2433x1548, 596.78K)

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Yes, since as long as white people do it, it's better.


pretty crazy how stealing someone elses shit and slightly changing it can make you a fortune

Pop music is nothing but theft. They just let the lawyers in the back handle it so it goes under the radar.


Attached: BE MY BABY BE MY BABY.jpg (470x416, 39.86K)

Chuck Berry came first though?

Less theft and more they boiled it down to a formula shortly after the Beatles. Look up the Monkeys, how they started, by who and why. Literally a band made just to recreate the Beatles success.

>Less theft and more they boiled it down to a formula
music was being boiled down to formulae ever since baroque, this is not a new concept

Elvis didn't steal anything and I'm tired of hearing this meme. All music is a free marketplace of ideas. You, user, yes, you, go 'steal' some famous musician's style right now. You can get your money for nothing and your chicks for free, I'm sure of it.

You won't, though, because you suck. You don't have any talent and so you belittle your betters like it's a zero sum game. Grow up.

I thought the dude on the left was Little Richard at first glance.

looks nothing like little richard lmao where are the rhinestones and the sequins

if that's the case, then why are the vast majority of woke propaganda produced by white people, when everyone seems to universally dislike woke propaganda, huh?

Link to the past is peak soul

95% of the time the answer is "hell no"

Can't think if a sequel with MORE right now

Capitalism 101 dumb ass. Don't like it? Steal it back and make it better then. Get sued? Counter sue. Too expensive? Lmao should've been a lawyer and defended yourself then gg no re.

There’s the first hiccup. The fact you can drag someone to court, bog them down in legal proceedings, and drive them into bankruptcy regardless of if their methods are deemed legal or not is inherently anti-free market. The courts exist to provide restitution for those who have been wronged, they don’t exist to partake in endless pilpul that scares you into submission.

One was a pervert filming women in a rest room and the other was a pedophile that married a 14 year old, no sovl found.

Elvis was certainly more fashionable and charming

so if someone covers heartbreak hotel will they get a copyright claim or not?

Yes, but usually only for games where the first one wasn't particularly soulful in the first place. It's not impossible for a soulful game to have an even more soulful sequel, but it's just more likely for the soul to be equivalent or lesser.

>men born in the deep south in the 1920s have weird attitudes regarding women
Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin around the same time.