Why do they seek entertainment in something fictitious and that does not contribute anything to their lives...

Why do they seek entertainment in something fictitious and that does not contribute anything to their lives? It's not hate, but seriously, realize that video games are mere tools to keep the masses away from reality: science, philosophy, true social interaction (face to face), literature, politics, etc.

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I want humanity to go extinct ASAP, and fear, ignorance, hate, and saying "nigger" online only hasten that process.

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Because they're art, you goober. Art is how we revolt against the human condition and defeat nihilism and whatever dumb bullshit condescending logic that possessed you to post this low effort bait. Go back to playing Elden Ring and then take a shower.

Because people who have real jobs get tired and need something to relax and enjoy themselves, to take the mental and physical stress aways instead of being constantly working, either for money or on "self-improvement" or whatever.
Mindless fun gives life more actual meaning than you realize as a preteen, you'll understand when you grow up.

the mere fact of saying to "shower" already indicates that you recognize that video games produce disgusting behavior

I was 16 once too

It's just a hobby..

it's as addictive as smoking, do both at the same time to hit two birds with a single stone

>bored with all games
>too lazy to fill void with anything productive
>endlessly click between Any Forums and Any Forums with youtube in the background
please kill me is this hell how do I escape

ok but I'm still playing Elden Ring

It’s just supposed to be mindless fun for you to enjoy in your free time

Unfortunately corporate interest groups have yet again managed to concoct an artificial subculture to keep young men paying chums by sucking them into fantasy worlds instead of focusing on their own lives for improvement.

Board games
Paid for journalists and influencers
Social media

It’s all there to keep them trapped in their bullshit delusions for profit. You might think that you’re being unique, cool and contrarian, but so do the kids sucking up to punk culture whilst everything from the rings in their nose to the band on their shirt and the brand on their boots is paid for and owned

>science, philosophy, true social interaction (face to face), literature, politics, etc
All that shit is artifial too. Only nature is a truth.

But user, I read books, both academic and literary, I interest myself in science and talk to people, but I still feel like video games are my true hobby. Though I must say, book of the new sun is filling in the times when I can't play quite nicely.

I don't understand your point, that is, that you need a video game to be able to "rest"? Incredible, in addition to being weak, you are dependent on anything that produces dopamine.

No one's a hyperproductive automaton all the time, we all do stuff in out downtime that doesn't help up in any way but we like doing it, it relieves the stress of the rest of the day, if anything I think it's better than watching something on TV, you have to use your brain it's not like passive consumption, it likely helps prevent Alzheimer's.

*tips fedora*
truly I am enlightened

Video games are more spiritually productive than sitting around all day.


Vidya is relaxing and engaging. It is the modern equivalent of shooting galleries and reading fiction, things mankind has enjoyed for centuries

did someone say... SCIENCE?!

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because videogames are disassociative entertainment and it's psychologically stimulating. Just because it doesn't fit your standards doesn't suddenly invalidate it your cretin.

Lmao. Do you know what a hobby is. The people I know who are obsessed with the idea of productivity are never the most productive people in my experience.

not really my thing
have a bookshelf dedicated to it
>true social interaction
can be great fun but i need a lot of alone time, social interactions are incredibly draining
another shelf
largely a waste of time, even those who wield some amount of political power are weighed down by things outwith their control, e.g. culture & bureaucracy

ive not been a huge gamer since i was a teen but i dont regret my time playing them... i had some great memories playing with friends and they provided and excellent escape from the monotony of life

idk if ur in the Any Forums phase of no fun allowed but u will get past it eventually

I agree, for such it is necessary to create social groups that do not depend on consumerist behaviors, it is just a sharing of a thought consistent with what is preached: realizing that there are tools that capitalism produces to stagnate the intellectual development of the person.

Fuck off, i've had enough politics in the last half decade to last me seven life times. Go be a normalfag somewhere else.

yes goy very good...very good...

Someone was real proud of this picture/concept weren't they?

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The same can be applied to literature, yet I do not observe your disdain for such medium

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Tbh I vote which is more influence than the 14 year old politicians on Any Forums have accomplished

OP reads like he's trying to write an undergraduate philosophy paper or something

I am tired of it. I know what you're trying to do but I am sick of it. I just can't be assed to give a fuck anymore when politics invades every single aspect of your life.

this is what they want. now get your ass back over to Any Forums and FIGHT for your race.

Now that I think about it, do you lads consider games a form of art?

it isn't my only hobby

It's too late, i'm closing the tab and doing something fun instead. You can't untake the red pill but you can try not to let it depress you too much.

I have never implied that I suppress fun, I am criticizing video games, which are tools that stagnate intellectual productivity. You have already shown me, please take better care of your life, it is a pity that you have to resort to video games to escape monotony, surely you are afraid of boredom, I tell you that facing boredom is to develop creativity.

for someone who hates games so much you sure understand very little about them

>which are tools to stagnate intellectual productivity
you're waffling on about of retarded shit in the name of intellectual attainment while shitting around the worst fucking website on the internet and trying to preach the superiority of other equally unproductive time wasting activites.

You're trying too hard to be someone else. If you think that everything needs to be useful you may want kys for wasting your time here.

average 22 year old in a self-improvement journey

Real talk, do you kids actually view yourself as culture warriors. I was always curious about that.

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playing video games is a waste of time, understand

because...it just is, OK?

If you cannot understand that people welcome something to wind down with and would prefer not to be in this hyper-aware "must be productive at all times" mindset, then I don't know what to tell you.

For me it is not a waste of time to raise this discussion

>music bad
>board games bad
I don't mind being called a mindless consoomer by you if it means I'm not a joyless fuck.

yes and so is, say, learning philosophy, reading, most social interactions and especially politics.
you should learn a productive hobby instead, like engineering or something that you would actually hate to spend your free time on and would rather kill yourself over because that's the definition of a fucking hobby, you nitwit.

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Yes it is and this discussion is already finished. Next time attack the game, not the players.