Elden Ring

The best open world map ever made, objectively.

Attached: The Lands Between.jpg (2688x2527, 2.5M)

Can't even swim kek

Snow area sucks. You can see exactly where the budget ran out

Morrowind is better

I don't mind the bottom one, actually had some stuff in it to explore. The top one is shit however with a bunch of recycled enemies and for the most part just a whole lotta nothing outside a decent bossfight.

Only went to Caellid for Radahn then got the fuck out of there
worst zone

>game comes out
>"game has the best _____ ever made"
why are Any Forumsedditors like this?

Attached: 1636459053930.png (650x612, 166.35K)

>in this pool of stinky turds, this is the least stinky one!

fromdrones are mentally ill

It's really good. Still prefer Xenoblade X's though. Monolith are the kings of world design.

Attached: 1637934305300.jpg (1810x1851, 395.83K)

That's it?

>Shitwind the brown

its so empty with same fucking church/ruins/jutting rock formations reused over and over and over.

what's north of consecrated grounds?

Always thought this was bionicle...


Concentrated grounds is unironically the emptiest map I have ever seen in a video game ever. How are people defending this shit map`?

I doubt... you could even imagine it.
>See a bunch of Skeletons guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Poisonbloom in that corpse.
That which commanded the stars.
>See a bunch of Poison Mushrooms guarding a corpse, kill them and find an Arteria Leaf in that corpse.
Giving life... its fullest brilliance.
>Go up a remote cliffside and see a clever drop with a hidden corpse next to a firecamp, find a Turtle Neck Meat in that corpse.
>See a bunch of Bats guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Golden Rune (1) in that corpse. Exact same thing happens less than 5 minutes later.
>See a bunch of Highwaymen guarding a chest, kill them and find 5 Mushrooms in that chest.
>See a bunch of Wolves guarding two corpses, kill them and find a Glowstone and a Golden Rune (1) in those corpses.
By someone...
>See a Giant Miranda Flower and a bunch of small Miranda Flowers guarding two corpses, kill them and find an Immunizing Cured Meat and a Golden Rune (2) in those corpses.
Or something...
>See a bunch of Demi-Humans guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Hefty Beast Bone in that corpse.
Don't tell me... you don't see it...
>See a bunch of Demi-Humans guarding a corpse, kill them and find Crab Eggs in that corpse.
>See a Big Land Octopus and a bunch of small Land Octopuses guarding a corpse, kill them and find a Golden Rune (1) in that corpse.
It burns....

weakest elden ring enjoyer
strongest nintenbro fan

>why is this snow desert not brimful with life?

>Why is this shit empty area in the game?

more like why does this huge endgame area not have a single new enemy type or any meaningful content