One of the best games of all time

One of the best games of all time.

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Black hand

Dumb grind

step down from the first one in every regard, don't even need to bring up the forced diversity or dialogue that sounds like it was written by an actual AI.

zoom zoom

I ruined Subnautica for myself by watching videos of it and spoiling all the spooky monster encounters, no I feel no reason to actually play it

you posted the bad dlc
though they're supposedly making an actual sequel that should be better and apparently has some form of coop if you want

>first game is popular because of good sound design and freedom to explore a world
>2nd game ruined by getting rid of the sound guy, putting the game on rails and pozzing it with yank politics
i'll never forgive these cunts

Great idea for a game, decent execution, trash developer. Would be cool to see a diving game where you had to account for pressure and gas mixture. Couldn't rise up too fast, had to plan dives, etc. Going into caves was always tense and fun in these games. Also the ghost reaper creature thing was pretty cool and scary. A lot of the creatures looked too goofy though. SOMA was an okay game didn't particularly enjoy the gameplay but if a diving game was made with that underwater aesthetic and hardcore technical nerd shit for gameplay I would coom

>if a diving game was made with that underwater aesthetic and hardcore technical nerd shit for gameplay I would coom
this this
a diving game where you have to manage pressure and gas mixture with volumetric effects underwater and decent sound design, players won't even need to see something like Reapers to shit their pants


Attached: 1625538400017.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

I can guarantee you a game with realistic decompression mechanics is going to be the dumbest fucking thing in the world to play and nobody is going to have fun with it.
If you knew the decompression obligation involved in a 100 meter dive you wouldn't be asking for it.

It's too bad about the SJW devs tho. Or the "Dedicated to the victims of Newtown" message in the end credits. It unnecessarily politicized a video game.

Subnautica 1:
>Amazing feeling of being lost
>Silent protag lets you immerse
>Game starts, you are instantly in the middle of endless ocean
>The map design is well thought out by starting out in the reef and having every direction eventually lead to an entrance of the later game cave systems you need to enter
>Radio gives you coordinates in slow but steady order to keep you progressing
>Spooky deep sea
>Spooky fish
>Spooky drops off of ledges into the void
>Cyberpunk PDA in Emergency mode
>The story only goes wack in the last 1h of the game, before that it is just surviving and finding out you're increasingly FUBARd on your little ocean world
>Seamoth and a real bulky ass sub you can turn into a personal Nautilus and become captain Nemo of your own world

Subnautica BZ:
>Start on land for some reason, follow narrow corridor to ocean areas corner
>Railroaded towards objectives faster than first time dungeon master who only runs 5e because it's what they play on critical roll
>Sea feels small since half the map is shitty ice field land section
>Sea floor is empty sand for most part
>Oxygen plants everywhere so never afraid of drowning
>Sound design lacking, fish not spooky
>Some hipster PDA lol so random voice with jokes
>Constant yapping and text overflow
>Story is lackluster Mish mash of trying to save your sister but suddenly not giving a rat's ass about her and blasting off to space with a rando alien robot dude, they even scratched it once to rewrite the whole thing and this is the best they came up with

The first game was a lucky accident from them. I pre-ordered BZ and played it throughout all of development and it is clear they had no idea why people love the first game so much and focused on all the wrong things.

It was a boring grindfest trash.
Massive disappointment

Incredibly buggy though.

Crafting games are fucking lame as hell fuck you.

>Craft things so you can craft things so you can craft things so you can craft a thing to beat the game.


People play all kinds of autism simulators, I would love one for diving. Maybe if the game had something to do or manage during the decompression stops it would work. Or at least shortening the factor of time in the actual decompression equation so it's seconds not minutes but you still have to consider how deep you go vs how much oxygen you have

Something clearly happened in the talent department between the first and second games and it wasn't just the sound designer. It's worse on a creative level, hacker, they somehow forgot at the core this should be a game about diving, going fuckdeep, and seeing cool shit.

Hackier* I'm a retarded phoneposter
I really just want a game with this kind of vibe

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one of the most boring