Actually looked like a car festival

>actually looked like a car festival
>actual progression
>actual campaign instead of sandbox shit
>bearable dialogue
>hot girls
It's a crime what Microshit did to this series. We can't have good games anymore.

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Comparing Forza Horizon and any of the later games back to back really shows what a difference progression makes to a single player game.

true, makes all the difference.



it's the most boring and barebones FH game, yet it manages to obliterate FH4

Any games for this feel?

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The first game got everything right. I really haven't been able to enjoy FH3, 4 or 5.

fh5 was so absolutely shit. glad i only paid 1 buck on gamepass for it. gonna try to play fh1 on pc with an emulater while waiting for the next test drive unlimited.

>Wow racing isn't fun! Add more wacky shit and remove all sense of progression.
You're the kind of brainlet that later games appeal to.

All subsequent Horizon titles ruined the racing genre

sadly this doesnt work

Horizon 1 is soul. I wish I bought the DLC back then now it’s hard to find for xbox bc I really wanna play it again

when does the series become unplayable? I dont have any of them...

2 shows some of the early signs of cancer but still mostly just builds on what was there for 1, 3 is arguably the beginning of the end.

yeah i wouldn't recommend 3 either

We are the future, chud. Get over it and declare your pronoun.

Attached: I love Phil's safe space.png (722x719, 243.59K)

>majority woman
kek. so much for equality

Thats not saying much. 4 is the most forgetable entry. Absolutely boring map. No identity.

Maybe Motorstorm?

Wondering why MICROSOFT has not produced quality games in years summed up in one Picture

Even the UI was pure soul. 2-5's are too much like Motorsport's and don't really fit with the game's theme