Stat requirements for armor, weapons, etc is shitty mechanic for an action game

Stat requirements for armor, weapons, etc is shitty mechanic for an action game

Attached: 9E976710-35EA-42DF-80E5-897900F5077E.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

It’s true, and you know it

So what are you going to do about it?

Character stats are a shitty mechanic in an action game. Progression should be skill and gear-based, and you should be able to sidestep needing good gear with skill.

beta take

>he likes having to grind or restart and respec just to equip the rewards he has gotten

Bump this thread until everyone has confronted this undeniable truth

Oh no…eldenbros…

It’s an action rpg, retard.

I just cheated myself to a high level from the start so I can use every build whenever I want. It's so much fun since there is so much stuff in the game to try.

You don't have to do any of this with the right items. But do you.

Yes, solely because it has a shitty stat system layered on top of it that doesn’t contribute anything positive, retard

True, runs counter to the git gud philosophy

Yeah its gay. Everyone should be able to use Moonveil

Completely true.
>Find a thing that looks cool
>Need 30 faith to use it
>Next 20 times I level up I select faith
Wow it's like I'm really making decisions. Role-playing games!! The triangle goes in the triangle hole.

Shitters BTFO

>30 faith
you aren't talking about the golden halberd from the first boss in the game are you? you aren't just mad because you got filtered by some beginner area like stormveil and have to cope with stupid non issues like not being able to wield a shitty weapon right???
only shit mechanic in these games is fat roll shouldn't exist and below 50% should be fast roll and above 50% should be mid roll

>be action rpg game
>the game is shit at action and at being a rpg


dude shut the fuck up

This is why I liked Sekiro so much took away most of the RPG bullshit


Imagine starting a fromsoft title without a clear understanding of how you'll build your character beforehand. It must suck to have such severe ADHD that you feel the need to use every piece of loot you find, instead of only equipping what you need and hoarding the rest