How the fuck so many people picked the Panam ending?

I don't understand. Are there seriously so many incel coomers that ONLY care about romances and have zero interest in the story and protagonist of a 80 hours long RPG?

I get the game was bad, I get the story was bad and most people are privileged brats to identify with V so they don't care about his dreams.

But COME THE FUCK ON. Everything about Panam ending is bad, not only do you get her people killed and she becomes leader (A woman becoming leader, LMAO),but if you listen around you find out nobody likes her still and she's gonna pull a "I'M LEAVING MY CLAN!!!" soon again. She's extremely bipolar and unrealiable.

And even if you tear apart the ending on its own with facts and logic, you don't even need to do it, THE GAME IS CALLED CYBERPUNK, who the fuck plays a CYBERPUNK GAME, in a Cyber and PUNK city, and you pick the ending in which you live as a desert rat in the middle of nothing? Why did you play a Cyberpunk game if you wanted Fallout NV 2?

The Panam ending also completly spits on Johnny. you outright take a pill so he's gone and then you erase him, with the Secret path and Rogue path you give Johnny AMAZING character development and it makes sense for him to sacrifice himself so Johnny can live, the evil arrogant terrorist grows a heart, it's epic. But no, you guys just remove him from the game.

Add up to all of this the fact that V's dream is to be a legend, you're not a legend if you escape to the desert, that was never V's dream. You become a legend in the Sun ending which is PERFECT. It's the only Cyberpunk ending out there.

Stop being coomers treating 80 hours long RPGs as dating sims for a 5 minutes long romance.

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I literally romanced River because I used the mod that restored all the the original NPC nude bodies that CDproject cut out at the last minute and revealed River to have the biggest black cock in the game. Based Poland

Yeah River is hot but I can't stand how bad his romance is. Is literally just a short side quest that's extremely homophobic and after it he disappears from the game. And the call you get from him before the final mission is garbage. Panam is a huge character in the plot but you can completely skip River by just missing a very specific side quest.

Still, River does say gay rights which is pretty based.

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>A woman becoming leader, LMAO
found the incel.
i picked her because what the fuck else was I going to choose, she's the only straight female love interest in the game

most people did not know about how the game would play out and how the endings would differ from another.
i wanted to live and to be together with panam and ended up retarded in space

wow youre still fucking seething about it

>Are there seriously so many incel coomers that ONLY care about romances and have zero interest in the story and protagonist of a 80 hours long RPG?
yes. Romances in video games are an easy way to draw an audience, which is why a lot of RPGs have been using them as a crutch for over twenty years now.

Uh I'm a gay guy so i am not exactly part of any "involuntary celibate" group, i do appreciate your petty homophobia and you seething over people not liking women, pathetic fuck, you will never get laid simping on an anime website.

> she's the only straight female love interest in the game

So? You pick her as romance and you move on, you are not obligated to pick her garbage ending, you had 5 other endings to pick, yet for some reason you felt forced in a 80 hours long game to continue a 5 minutes long romance.

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>most people did not know about how the game would play out and how the endings would differ from another.

Huh? They are obvious as fuck? What did you expect from asking help from the Avocados? You try to kill a corporation by asking desert rats to help? Why did you play a Cyberpunk game? And how the fuck do you see Johnny, the deuteragonist of the game, asking you to let him redeem himself and get his vengeance and you say "Nah i'm a creepy incel simp I'm going to live in the desert"

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When a game so shitty such as cyberpunk comes around the only thing worth doing is getting coom ending and never playing again

well i got him his revenge by killing smasher and maybe panam would agree to live in my apartment in the city after my trip into space. sounded like a good plan to me at the time

It's the only ending that gives V a chance of living on if your decide that they are through with the lifestyle that has cost them everything. If you start out as a nomad you can even play it as life in the city being nothing like you hoped and wanting to GTFO back to a simpler life. Night City costs V their best and only real friend, their health, and potential their soul in a very real sense. Taking hold of your destiny and refusing to lay down and die at the end is the only one of two ''good'' endings, the other being going on one last raging assault as Johnny.

imagine being a dumb albino spic or trying to copycat him and seething that men naturally like women

Not sure if troll, but the Panam ending is literally the only happy ending in the game. When you follow that path, Johnny literally encourages you to go with her and forget about Night City. V realizes his dreams were retarded and having a home and a family with Panam and the Nomads was the best thing he could do with the rest of his life. Despite this, he STILL becomes a legend because he and the Nomads crippling Arasaka and killed Adam Smasher - a Solo so legendary not even Morgan Blackhand could put him down.

Plus, to cap it off, Johnny gets to be with Alt and escape his fate, as well. Everyone wins in that ending. If you're playing as a Nomad V, there shouldn't be any contest in picking it as the best option.

Granted, Street Kid V going out in a solo attack on Arasaka Tower is kino AF, but it's a shitty ending because you and Johnny die and everyone hates you both for leaving them.

romance routes in RPGs have become a pretty core part of the experience for many players. in a game that falls as flat as 2077, i can't say i'm surprised that one of the only things people found compelling enough to motivate their choice of route was the Panam romance. at least that ending feels kinda satisfying. as opposed to... being alone in space or being alone on a bus headed nowhere. anyone who chooses one of the endings where you end up alone probably has The Joker in their Top 10 Movies of All Time. lmao

suicide ending is cannon. its my favorite ending too. the only one in crisis in the game is v. no one else needs to die for a petty street criminal that stole from a mega corp then decides to wage war against it. arasaka arent the bad guys.

that being said i didnt like any romance options. i just liked killing as a petty street thug. 'go in quietly v' ' you got it' *shot gun cocking*.

Please don't tell me you are so high on copium you actually think desert rats with shit technology can heal V but BLUE EYED MAN of all people can't?

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Men naturally like other men, otherwise you str8 trash wouldn't be seething about how much you hate women all the time, you wouldn't get divorce raped or have to raise Tyrone's son, you wouldn't go to jail over fake rape accusations or get fired so a woman is put in your position.

There's literally a war going on right now and all the men are being drafted and killed while the women are being rescued so they can make more only fan shit with black men safe and sound.

You str8 men have sky high suicide rates for a reason. You get what you deserve.

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panam was one of the few characters who actually seemed to be on the level with V and had a lot of screen time dedicated to her missions both before and during the wrap up period where the mission ended
it just felt natural to want to hang out with her and her gang since they mostly spoke what was on their mind instead of having to play mental chess with the other characters and do more guesswork as to what dialogue options to choose. having not save scummed my playthrough i still ended up with her and the gang and it felt good
maybe i'm a pleb at these types of story games but her stuff just worked really well

>i'm gay and h8 everyone
yes yes, we know

You should stop talking about shit you don't understand. The Nomads in lore are some of the most intelligent and ingenuitive people in the world. This isn't Mad Max. In Cyberpunk, the Nomads are the real civilized people and the city dwellers are the feral, tribalistic retards.

>Not sure if troll, but the Panam ending is literally the only happy ending in the game.

It's not happy? You literally get her clan killed and force her to be leader despite people like that bald BFF of her saying she's a retard and shouldn't lead. You throw away V's dreams, betray Jackie's memory, abandon all your friends and family in the city and completly spit on Johnny's character development.

What's happy about that? Oh right you get to have sex with a brown mutt. I forgot you incels are so obsessed with women so long as an ending let's you have sex it's the "happy one".

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>suicide ending is cannon.

Suicide ending is garbage and was only put there so trannies like you that play as female V can blow your brains out. Sun ending is canon and Space Casino DLC is all but confirmed, specially because we haven't had the detective guy yet and we know Blue Eyes is connected to him

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>ignores all the rest of my post
Okay, yeah, you just want to call people incels because you're bored.

I ain't reading all that shit.
I went with Panam because it made the most sense to. My went with street kid and by the end of the story V was dying with only a few months left to live, so instead of spending the rest of your days in a city that doomed you, I'd rather live and and travel with my girlfriend before dying. Also Misty and Victor both wants you to live what little life you have left with someone you love, so everything was as perfect that could be. The only downside of going with Panam is you have to abandon the Japanese dude, but he seems like the type of person that ONLY looking for his on people anyway and would have probably betrayed me in the end

I don't know how mods haven't permanently rangebanned this uruguayan cocksucker yet. Every place he rears his AIDS-ridden arsehole at becomes a septic tank of faggotry.

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you need help and you wont get it here user

I heard that one of the characters you can rail was a tranny so I thought it was Panam because I didn't look into it more than that, and she was the obvious love interest, so I kept going with her, and when we finally fucked I came to the shocking truth.

There was no penor...

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your opinion is garbage fag, the last time you were holding your breath eating dick must have caused brain damage.

the games good though and im looking forward to more of it, its only you i h8.

i started out as corpo v loving the idea of becoming a legend and making it big in night city but by the end of the game i was sick of the damn city, its corruption and its bullshit. so when the option of leaving with panam - the closest person to my v - presented itself it was natural to say yes.
panam is well liked among her nomad clan and she proved herself to be capable in the missions you do with her so i dont really get your point.
also johnny was k but at the end of the day he was still and invader in a body he wasn't invitied to, so fuck him.