Don't you dare pirate anything Any Forums!

Don't you dare pirate anything Any Forums!

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I pirate whatever I feel like pirating.
I buy whatever I feel like buying.
Who fucking cares.

>it's morally wrong


At least it's not a food analogy

This but I don't brag about it or virtue signal it on Any Forums and YouTube resulting in places being shut down because I'm not a nigger faggot

Imagine unironically equating piracy to rape

>rape analogy
What's next?

>piracy is like rape
Do corporate bootlickers really?

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There is literally 0 moral argument to piracy of software that the developer makes no effort to sell. There's almost no moral backing to paying for intellectual properties that have been transferred at all as such a transfer is necessarily contrary to the point of IP protection from larger corporations mass producing a protected property and deterring artists from ever producing something in the first place.
In short, if you don't try to sell something, don't get mad at people choosing to obtain it elsewhere. Be it the aftermarket, or piracy.

Hitler and nazis

> caring about anything says on shitter, ever.

the only thing I don't pirate is food because it turns to shit AFTER i consume it.

>will literally tweet bullshit like this so their shitty old games collection doesn't lose value
like pottery

I prefer Vice Signaling

>pirating is the same as growing your own fruits
>You cant afford buying an apple, so you buy the seed to grow the apple yourself.
Food analogy.

>Ma'am can you tell us if your assailant, CYBERPUNK 2077 FITGIRL REPACK is in the courtroom right now?

Sadly there are people out there who, if star trek style holodecks were real, would be real mad that you made a holographic copy of them and then fucked it

Nevermind that I already do this with two dimensional photos, somehow they don't count

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well, fuck those morals

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more like magically cloning the apples being sold by the farmer

which is impossible and why trying to use an analogy for arguing about piracy is braindead retarded

take the analogy to the logical conclusion, coward
>she won't consent without arbitrarily high price tag
>take 20 minutes to find some shady russian websites
>magically instantiate a perfect replica of her, except that she is totally willing to have sex with no arbitrary price tag and that she comes with a sick chiptune soundtrack
>have sex with my perfect clone while you're seething about being priced out
nothing beats free+chiptunes

More like you steal the seed from someone else's trashcan

What is with your fucking obsession with twitter threads?

Cool, but that's an insignificant amount of piracy. It's pretty clear that what gets people incensed is piracy of new software.

don't mind me
just pirating this little activist

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>piracy is rape

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Fuck copyright jews

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Khan Gengis Impact say games should be free like horses in the steppe

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