What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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modern capitalism is all about minimum effort for maximum profits

god, this game makes me sick by just thinking about it, same with warframe.

disgusting creatures learning about credit cards

>pick mission
>loading screen
>fly to objective
>loading screen
>kill everyone in 2secs
>loading screen
>fly back
>loading screen
>complete mission
>repeat forever

>have millions of dollars
>nothing is worth buying
>once you have a few key businesses and a helicopter with rockets the game basically plays itself

Zoomiezoomzooms buying everything rockstar releases at full price to take their repressed teen angst out on other players

Loading screens. Waiting 1-2 mins every time between short missions is inexcusable.

At the very begining charging you for destroying other players cars. Done to be casual friendly, extremely cringe and was removed from the game later.

It started going wrong when people were cheesing missions to get money fast and the bandaid fix was to remove replay mission artifitially slowing progress, a bandaid, they never removed after fixing the missions.

Then it was the bullet proof car, that was awful for the open world meta.

Businesses taking ages to earn money back, money sinks to encourage shark card sales.

Throughout the games history basically rewarded players cheating because of how timesinky the game was designed, personally got millions from hackers and don't feel like i cheated.

The flying motorcycle is the reason i stopped and never returned, every time i get the desire to go back i remember it and lose all desire to play. Most meta cancer in the open world, incredibely easy to use and it's counters require skill and even then you're more likely to lose.

Lester didn't end up with the PC and instead went for the yellow goblin.

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Locking cool cars from storymode. This sin cannot be forgiven

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thing is,in the 7th generation you could get online cars on story mode,but then they didn't do that for the 8th generation updates

who would buy shark cards to by 2 million $ hypercar in online if you just could spawn it in storymode. Jewstar gonna jew

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Bought sandking swb first time I played online and still using it ever since.

>what went wrong?
this is going to be the single greatest take you're ever gonna get: the concept of GTA multiplayer simply doesn't work.

there was a multiplayer mode in GTA2 and that was basically arcade PVP. there's scrapped GTA3 multiplayer content and that was also just PVP. GTA4 was also just basic bitch freeroam PVP. GTA5 is the first multiplayer attempt at a co-op experience and there's specific reasons for why this idea just doesn't work.

the GTA formula is based off of movies and as such has story-driven elements that aren't meant to be terribly dynamic, it's just mimicking hollywood action films, and that's the formula they've mastered which we've been treated to seeing for 20+ years.

take this and add the dynamic element of allowing strangers to fuck up your experience. they AFK at spawn points, they die prematurely, they fail the mission, they disconnect and force you to re-group, etc, you're forced to experience all of this plus its "story" over and over just to make pseudo-progress in the online mode. all of this shit is not fun. GTAO is not fun.

GTA Online ruined gaming unironically. Not only does it have shit business practices, it also had to make everyone else copy it by making everything whacky and over the top for 12 year olds

the game is great

i use 2take1 and crash people for no reason, lock trannies in cages and give them so many fucking errors they cant move and their fps goes down to 1, so their only option is to alt f4 and then wait another 10 minutes for the game to load

if i meet someone based i just sieg heil them and give them pretty much whatever they want be it a jet or a car,i also help them out in missions

the funniest shit is when you spoof your name so normies cant even know who you are and then you block reports

another fun thing is texting as a player, so when you meet a tranny you just spam im a faggot and i will never be a woman

makes them seethe and then they mostly leave, i mean if they are quick enough to leave kek i mostly kick them

then i copy their scid, dox their ip and join them every session just to crash their game

im a white vax free male over 6 feet

oh and when you lock niggers in cages and then call them wild animals and to do a trick

funny as hell

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absolutly fucking based user

im a 2take1 chad too, the devs are trannies but every fucking mod menu devs are trannies, probably because most coders are closeted faggots

either way im literally you, anytime someone annoys me i just text as them and say something like im a schizofrenic faggot that fucks kids and i will never be a woman

based as fuck because most normies dont realise you can actually do that, so they decide to gang bang the faggot kek

the only problem i have is when i meet private menu fags

but i have a vpn on 24/7 anyway so thats not a problem, i secured everything

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modmenu fighting people is honestly hilarious

i use a vpn too, im pretty much undoxoable because i dont keep any of my info on my jewstar account

every mod menu owner i ever saw was a cuck who said nooooooo you cant just abuse your power!!! then i just called them a faggot and tried to crash them, its pretty much 50/50 but they cant crash me anyway so i just make their life hell and then leave

good to meet a fellow power abuser chad, have a good day user

by the way, what scripts are you using? i mostly use keks and 2take1 revived, both are great

I never played online and never will

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