Anybody else completely filtered by Elden Ring? I doubt I was even halfway through and I've already shelved it...

Anybody else completely filtered by Elden Ring? I doubt I was even halfway through and I've already shelved it, the open world went from cool and interesting to a boring slog, there's too much asset rehashing, and most of the bosses are just straight up anti-fun misery inducing bullshit.
I don't even get the same satisfaction out of killing hard bosses anymore, it used to be "fuck yeah I'm a god! Who's next?!" but now it's just "that was miserable, I hope I never have to go through that shit again."
I used to be a huge Fromsoft fan back in 2016/17 when I marathoned the entire Dark Souls trilogy + Bloodborne and loved it, but I never even finished Sekiro when that came out and now Elden Ring. Think I've just outgrown the genre unfortunately.

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git gud

I went around the castle of Margit the fell and ended up stuck in a swamp.

I dropped it there.

After 70 h and the sixth or maybe seventh dragon boss I completely lost any drive to finish it.

git gud

I don't really have the desire to git gud anymore, I just think of all the other better games I could be playing instead of wasting my time with this miserable slogfest.

i love filtering try hard invaders
not my host
not today

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It's just not a very good game. The only reason people pretend they like it is because it's made by From. The pacing is genuinely one of the worst in any game I've ever played.

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I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

Radahn was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, just a giant vigor check and fight with the camera. This is the last fromsoft game I'll likely ever touch, it just isn't enjoyable anymore.

Lmao at all the filtered scrubs saying the bosses are unfair and unfun, in a week or two there'll be an SL1 no damage bare fist speedrun and it'll be proven you all just suck.

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Just play games you like and stop feeling like you're obligated to playing something you don't like out of fear of being called a "filthy casual" by smoothbrained fanboys.

Souls games were always boring slogs. You just bought into the "hard gaem" meme because soulsfags are insecure losers that can't beat actual hard games (ones that aren't grind to win).

Dying to the same boss over and over again gets pretty old after five minutes, I don't know why anyone gave this dev so much attention.

Same, garbage dev with an even more garbage fanbase
>le git gud
Eat shit, why would I want to waste my time gitting gud at a game like this when I could be playing one of the millions of other better games instead?

>the amount of salt in this thread

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Post achievements list

Only if you post yours

Sounds like you were the one who did the filtering, not the game. Elden Ring is nothing close to what all the hype promised.





Bump because i want to keep this conversation going