Nice game you got there, fromshitters

Nice game you got there, fromshitters.

Attached: eldenshitlmao (2).webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Other urls found in this thread: shit/



I beat this trashpile on my first blind encounter of him.

I don't have any personal opinions about people who cheese enemies but I have a question, Why? It seems so much more fun to just run in and fight it then to sit there and spam ranged attacks over the course of 6 mins, the point of video games is to have fun right?

you can cheese in older fromsoft games and dmc too, why should I care

Attached: 1646424001999.png (799x464, 17.06K)

I can do this exact same thing to flamelurker


Attached: 1580775241791.png (650x650, 10.38K)

>when you are so bad the boss gets bored of killing you

OP's webm is not a cheese, its a known bug where that boss in particular bugs out and has its AI switched off. Happened to me in the catacombs version of this boss. Its not because they crammed such a big monsters to a small space either, it bugs out in open areas too.

No, it's clearly cheese, the player has left the intended arena and the AI doesn't know what to do because the AI is bound to that arena. shit/

That's a dumb bug but at least you don't miss much with this lackluster miniboss
I can never tell what's happening against these and still win first try

how many of these things are there? I found 4:
1. Boss version
2. In Lake of Rot - Grand Cloister near the waterfall base
3. In Leyndell in that ashy open area by the sewers entrance
4. In Haligtree, in the separated circular swamp by the rot swamp waterfall

I keep seeing Dex/Int builds, is Dex/Faith any good or did I fuck up?

>I can never tell what's happening against these and still win first try

this has been my exact experience as well

No thats a bug. It happens with Ulcerated Tree Spirit all the time. Just put "Ulcerated Tree Spirit bug" on youtube search and you get a lot of videos like this:

There's a hidden one under Stormveil Castle. If you go from the room with all the jars, run along the scaffolding parallel to how you came in, there is a ledge on the wall you can jump to and from there make another jump into another little area.

looks like it got staggered out of its phase transition and just doesn't know what to do.
Is that usually when the AI breaks for other people too?

The combat in this game isn't good. any opportunity to bypass it you take.

Leyndell outskirts, theres small ruins and some guards just hanging around. When you go inside to fight them, one of Ulcies just crashes into the ruins out of nowhere, just drops out from the sky. If you want you can just get some popcorn and watch how the standard soldier enemies try to fight it.

Why every webm that tries to shit on the game looks like it was made by a drooling mongoloid retard?
That thread with Melina spazzing out started with a webm made by some kind of mentally handicapped individual.