The Emperor's New Clothes of gaming

>The Emperor's New Clothes of gaming

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And that's only in 13 years. Far more advancement and progression and uniqueness in this series than any other.

id barely heard of this series or elden ring but suddenly everyone seems to be obsessed with it, it's literally everywhere
I remember dark souls being "the hard game" meme back when it came out but since then I thought these games were pretty niche

You got the analogy wrong. Sounds like you just read the title of the story and not the story itself.

no hes trying to say that because one person said its good everyone is pretending to say its good
its just a mad shazaam fag who cant admit he lost

Demon's Souls was absolutely massive on this board and loads of people imported Asian copies. I eventually imported the US version and then again bought the eventual UK version.

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that.

>"I assure you dear gamer, these games are masterpiece, anyone who does not consider them as such is a scrub and should git gud, everyone who was not "filtered" can see it"

But no one thinks this. Everyone plays the game and thinks its bad. That's why its a niche.

I don't know why ELDEN RING is so popular but I guess it's cause AAA gaming has been so bad lately that people are more open to trying games that challenge their expectations.

no you are just a fag

nah its pretty good
like I wouldnt call them god's gift to man considering that have some pretty big problems but they arent bad

Let me guess you play Bayonetta and Persona and watch Lorerunner

seethe tranny

>Le grimdark world with poke and roll combat
In 13 years they still haven't managed to make blood stains matches the terrains they're on, tells you everything you know about that serie.
There's as much advancement between Demon's Souls and Elden Ring than between Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 3.

LOL @ this retard who's only insulting their own intelligence.

I play bayonetta and persona as well as enjoy the souls series
what point are you trying to make here?

Oh, you're a redditor
>with poke and roll combat
This is like complaining about "aim at head" combat in FPS games. Your simplifications don't change the fact that the gameplay has far more skill and depth than almost any other genre. And you can cast spells, shoot, block, dodge, and now jump.
>In 13 years they still haven't managed to make blood stains matches the terrains they're on
I have never encountered this except with elevators.

>I don't know why ELDEN RING is so popular
Dark Souls 3 sold 10 million copies

>Everyone plays the game and thinks its bad.
You're a retard, I hate the open world but it is still a good game.
>I don't know why ELDEN RING is so popular
You don't have to have more than a neuron to understand it, Dark souls is massively popular, loved by normies and gamers alike.
What the fuck did you expect? That it would flop?

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The saddest part is the reason the shazamfags were conducting organized shilling campaigns from discord. It was for the sake of Horizon and BoTW2, both games which the discord tranny crowd are obsessed with.

the weirdest part is that they thought that trying to shitpost on Any Forums WOULD make it flop
their whole goal doesnt make sense

That is some serious grasping at straws lmao

At least try to make a witty analogy instead of one that does not work in the slightest you uncultured buffoon.

>In 13 years they still haven't managed to make blood stains matches the terrains they're on
Not him, but what are you taking about? What do you want blood stains to do?

>skill and depth than almost any other genre
Lmao no, it's all about memorizing attack patterns and roll into a boss model with your i-frames to get a few hit in.
You can like it, but don't pretend it's "skilled" or deep, any other beat em all have a deeper and more complex combat system, Dark Souls is on the level of most AAA open world it' just that ennemies one shot you have more complex pattern to memorize and controls are less tight. .

>skill based gameplay isn't observing and reacting

Memorizing, training, and execution are all part of the skill. The game is 3D, making it far more skill requirement than any 2D game. It also has various stats and systems to account for and plan for. And the game has very little hand holding for when you're doing something wrong. It's far more skilled than any game you can list.

Nope, there's a difference between being skilled at a game and being skilled at finish a game.
It's mastering a mechanics to adapt in many situations.
If you're skilled at a game and its mechanic you can adapt to any other situations and do far better against anything else the game throws at you.
If you're skilled at finishing a game ( or a level ), you're just good at finishing that particular game, and when the game puts you in a different setting you're at best marginally better than you were 30 hours ago.