Elden ring is hard but f-

>Elden ring is hard but f-

Attached: elden-ring-malenia-boss-guide_header.jpg (1000x600, 182.55K)

It's funny how most criticisms of this game just boil down to it turning out that most of Any Forums is really shit at video games

t. mimic user

I've got to respectfully disagree, yes the boss is insane compared to other bosses, heck even Mohg gave you a chance to survive his blood curses, this boss however teaches players who use shields that it can't always be the case and that dodging is still a viable option, I'm not suggesting being a *tank/shield* build is playing a easy "safe card" but it is a boss fight that wittles you down the longer you allow it to continue, hence offering the chance to use the big brain and test different ways as to how you can overcome, what literally is, the Goddess of Rot. Fantastic music in my point of view and though the fight is intense and frustrating at first, like any other boss you start of with, you adapt and overcome, I hope everyone enjoys this fight as much as I have.

>you must have summoned to beat the boss you have to be as bad as me there is no way you beat it solo
oh i am laffin

Yeah, I beat the game naked fist only. Then fucked .

she gains hyperarmor on random attacks that give you no indication she has poise


Attached: ongbal_Malenia_phase1.webm (640x360, 2.7M)

>Posts a youtuber webm who plays these games every day for his life

>spams hoarfrost stomp and kills malenia and every other boss in under a minute
this game is even easier than dark souls 1 poise stacking

How do people need 10+ trys for a boss? This game is piss easy lmao.

It's awful with shit like a greatsword, you need to minmax staggers with mimic or play really fucking patient because you can't out damage her heal.


mimic fag salt is delicious


Attached: Elden Ring proactive play.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

You mean this attack?
Is my webm sufficient?

Attached: Elden Ring - Fuck you Malenia.webm (960x540, 2.95M)


Attached: Ashen Chad.jpg (1111x791, 263.52K)


I’m farming the soldiers outside of the grace marker where I got the horse what do I do now



Attached: Melania shield.webm (960x540, 2.69M)