How are you supposed to know when you're over/under levelled? I fought margit around level 16...

How are you supposed to know when you're over/under levelled? I fought margit around level 16, was told I was doing it way too early, beat him after some effort then went off to explore, came back around level 30 and it still feels like im doing barely any damage to the knights and godrick with a +5 claymore

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git gud

Figure out what you're doing wrong, pinpoint how and what kind of damage needed. From what I'm seeing, you haven't figured out his basic movement pattern. Once you do, it's easy af

I only fought him once, i got him down to about half health, it just took fucking ages and with that much time spent fighting its easy to fuck up

Bros did I make a mistake investing +5 in my lordsworn greatsword when the claymore exists?

If you've cleared out Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula (south of Limgrave), you should be able to beat him without too much trouble.
If you're not doing damage the issue is more likely that your weapon isn't upgraded enough rather than your stats. Weapon upgrades matter more than stats. You can see little holes in the overworld maps where ore mines are located

Difference is minimal, you'll be replacing the ash of war with your own thing anyway. Besides, +5 is hardly an investment, normal weapons go up to +25 in this game.

Best way to get smithing stone[2]s then?

Mine northeast of the academy building (visible on the map)
If you still haven't left Limgrave and are in no hurry to do so, go here.

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>How are you supposed to know when you're over/under levelled?
When you're getting your ass kicked relentlessly. If a boss feels like it has the difficulty of some kind of endgame superboss, you're probably underleveled.
>it still feels like im doing barely any damage to the knights and godrick with a +5 claymore
I blew through Margit and Godrick effortlessly with a +4 longsword and brass shield, I probably didn't even see half of Godrick's moves before he died.

I did him at level 28 and it still took me a few tries. Basically, if you can't get him to at least half health then you need to level up. If you can get him to half health you are capable of killing him.

He isn't as hard as Margit, if you can beat Margit you should be able to bead Godrik.

Problem is that early levels in this game in particular are bad. You have fuckall stats to do anything at all. Once your build begins to form, you have stats to equip what you want and your health bar isn't a total joke, you will never be "underleveled" again.

Just look at the boss healthbar as you slap them. Is your damage enough to take a yellow chunk out? You're ready. Does it feel like miniscule chip damage that doesn't even get a yellow bar? Fuck off.


Once you start to level up the game gets easier, you will still get owned but it is a lot more manageable. Make use of your Ashes of war, some of them have broken specials that make it easier as well if you are struggling.

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>level 2+
You're overleveled
>using a weapon
it's OP and needs to be nerfed, stick with fists
>doing a ranged attack
cheesing the boss
>calling your horse
your not supposed to have mobility to get away from
AOE attacks that cover a square kilometer
>using bell
Literally summoning crutch for bad players
lol, learn to roll through everything instead
>using a weapon art
you're not meant to do this much damage, you have to leave the boss alive for at least 10
minutes or you didn't beat him.
>running away from a combo rather than rolling through the entire sequence
you have to give the enemy a chance to hit you with every strike

The CHAD move isn't to win the boss within a few attempts using the tools available to you and move on with your life. The real CHAD move is dying 200 times to every encounter because you operate on an autistic honor system that won't let you enjoy the game. Then complain online that the game is badly designed to accomodate your retardation.

>The real CHAD move is dying 200 times to every encounter because you operate on an autistic honor system
You're right.

This is how you git gud.

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Funny how every single person who preaches "git gut" relies exclusively on the roll button that is literally "press B for immortality"

>came back around level 30 and it still feels like im doing barely any damage to the knights and godrick with a +5 claymore
I guess we are playing different games because when I came back with +7 twinblade and level 30 most of the location was a breeze.

user, in order to git gud you need to learn not to roll as much. This game punishes you if you roll to much, that is why people moan about bosses having no openings because they roll to much and miss them.

Besides, rolling is literally the core dodge mechanic, you are supposed to roll.

Wait, you mean a dodge button makes you DODGE? What the fuck?

Stop that. DaS roll is anything but a dodge. Dodging implies you moved out of harm's way. In these games you just roll straight into attacks without a care in the world because you turn into a ghost for 0.3 of a second.

I'm SL80 and recently upgraded my weapon on a whim to +20 after volcano manor and now I'm not getting any invasions. I really don't want to do all this shit again just with a mage build and being careful not to upgrade stuff.

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You will eventually unlock an item which when traded to a certain vendor in Roundtable, will allow you to just outright buy the upgrade materials. Don't worry too much. I upgraded my Flail to +17 and didn't feel bad at all once I switched to maining a different weapon

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any guides on mp anywhere yet? I cant invade anyone anywhere at sl120, even leyndell or giants etc. getting no good places to invade.

>Dodging implies you moved out of harm's way
That is exactly what you are doing when you roll.

>start and end the roll in the middle of an apocalyptic explosion
>heh, I took no damage because... I just didn't, OK??

user, please stop.

The combat is built around rolling to dodge. It has been since DES, show me gameplay of any souls game where the person doesn't roll.

DS3 zoomers absolutely massacred the concept of "get good", it used to mean pic related, now it means roll at the right time 100 times in a row

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