It's no masterpiece

It's no masterpiece

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Correct, it's gone beyond masterpiece

I cant wait for the Contrarian Anderson video to drop either, OP.

Right, I'm pretty sure in today's terms it's kino


it is from software's master piece. they won't make anything better than this.

There's a lot of flaws and missed opportunities in Elden Ring that can be improved upon in their next game, so I suspect they can make something better, if they put their minds to it.

It might be the last game I'll play for a long time. All the other vidya is just dogshit compared to Elden Ring.

the gameplay is more or less the same since demon's souls. however the artistic qualities of this game are on a different level than all their previous games.

It's better than Sekiro, Demon Souls and DS3, still worse than Bloodborne and very comparable to DS2.

PvP would really benefit from a Mound Maker-type covenant. Being able to join or invade and do whatever you want instead of invade and get blasted by three super sorceries.

ds2fags trying to appropriate ER success to validate their shit taste never ceases to amuse me

About 7/10
The good:
Souls combat improved upon. Things like swappable weapon arts and horse combat are pretty refreshing and unique.
Variety of builds and weapons available basically from the start.
Great level design when it comes to main story areas. Stormveil castle was pinnacle of From's level design, really positive early game DaS1 vibes.
The bad:
Most bosses are lazy and uninspiring, boiling down to some crazy autistic spaz attack that one shots you until you learn to read it. IE the bullshit stomp of crucible knights.
While early game till level 30-40 is very enjoyable, mid game quickly becomes a massive chore, most of the stuff and spells you find are completely worthless, which brings me down to the last and the worst point.
the open world design of this game once you leave Limgrave is so bad, the illusion breaks real quick when you realize that all you do in terms of side content and exploration is clearing the same runes, evergaols, caves and castles that you already saw between levels 1 and 40 with some generic reused boss at the end of it that you have seen 4 times already or fought in the open world like the pumpkin head. It's the laziest, most half-assed attempt at open world. Literally Ubisoft tier of bad. Like they've designed those unique areas like Morne Castle, Academy and Stormveil castle and then said oh shit we still need to provide some content, let's rush it with 5 types of explorable zones that we reuse in every area.

Another Elden Ring thread you fags is obsessed

DS2 was literally the best reviewing from game before Elden Ring though?

Suck a dick faggot. DS2 had bad enemy designs

It is THE masterpiece

Elden Ring does too?
You seem like one of those people that loved dark souls 2 for the first couple months until people actually started calling out how meh that game actually is.

ER much like DS 2 is a mediocre game.

elden ring is the modern chrono trigger. it appeared metal gear solid v, but it ended up being breath of the wild. the gameplay is xenoblade dark souls. it very well could be their resident evil 4. elden ring is, apparently, becoming a skyrim.
the game fulfills your goals in its lucid dreams. it really makes you FEEL like tarnished.

No FromSoftware garbo ever is

its not even passable i played horizon forbidden west and the larger robots are way better than any eldenjank boss.

Got filtered huh? Stick to Horizons, tranny.

Your taste in video games is trash, which is amazing since you've wasted most of your pathetic life playing them, seethe and commit sudoku, retard.

you know elden ring players dont have genders just body types right? at least horizons aloy is a woman.


LOL what the fuck is this

An elden ring thread died for this

honestly what a little kike

>Hire GRRM to help with the setting, where he just winds up making LOTR fanfiction because he's got a Tolkien-shaped hole in the seethe recesses of his brain
>Miyazaki immediately shits on it, makes a high fantasy adventure about demigods fighting rejected perished souls after a cataclysmic war in all directions as a result of the natural order of the world being physically broken

>IP's have become more and more action-heavy every iteration from Demon's Souls forward, with Sekiro being the most aggresively input-demanding
>People who started with Dark Souls are still seething because they don't realize that DS1 was the forward marking of a trend, and not the origin point of all of their future dark fantasy games

>Journos and reviewers across the board start crying in misery knowing they can't clear anything in the game and all of them visibly want to drop it, streamers dropping it left and right, one of the biggest filters in gaming history with a massively successful global release
>Receives perfect scores from dozens of websites and will still be praised as one of the greatest accomplishments in video game history because anything less than that will /literally/ mark the reviewer (and their platform by proxy) as a coward's opinion who can't commit to games they are paid to play

This game is legendary. If people weren't so jaded and cynical about enjoying or appreciating anything nowadays, this would go down in the annals of gaming history as one of the core moments that defines years of RPGs and open world games to come, and it's beautiful.

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