You didn't beat the game

You didn't beat the game.

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Smithy has one of the best final boss themes

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It's one of the easiest RPGs of all time. I even tried not using Geno and Peach, but Mario and Bowser just steamroll everything.

Timed attack and timed defenses ONLY, if you used FP you cheesed the game.

I did user, casually a few times and then later more times than I can count since I speedran it for 8 months.

I didn't 100% the game because I sucked at Super Jump timing but I beat the game multiple times

I didn't, the game bugged out on the big squid boss and I just gave up.
Never gone back to try again.

Nope, quit at the final castle?

I did but not 100%, hell no. There are many secrets in this game.

Evolution of Literally Who

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You're right, but the system isn't inherently broken, Square just made it too easy (probably on purpose). Play the Revolution Hard mode hack, it makes enemies a lot more threatening and nerfs shit like Lazy Shell armor and Red Essence spamming that make you nearly invincible late game.

I love this game like you wouldn't believe.

>i used save states

>you didn't beat the game, despite only using items/skills/etc. that were meant to be used.

You know, I'd really like a remaster but I don't trust either Nintendo or Square to make it. Nintendo would make everything look like the new generic paper mario games and Square would just use HD Pixels, with the best possible scenario being like Octopath Traveller but more likely like those FF pixel remasters.

>world leaves in dragon quest
>literally can't be bought
>insanely rare to find
>main replenishing source only lets you hold one at a time
>spell that revives is lategame and low success rate

>phoenix down in final fantasy
>costs 300-1000 gil
>brings you back with a sliver of health
>spell that revives is early to mid game

>pick me ups in mario RPG
>5 coins
>can hold like 30 of them
>full heal
>half the time when you use it you get it back
what even is the point of healing items? I'd rather just wait for the char to die.
People talk a lot about how broken rock candy and red essence are but holy shit, pick me up is unironically the game's most broken item

You didn't beat the game.

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thinking about it turn order matters too. in DQ and FF
>enemy attacks your guy, he dies that turn
>spend next turn reviving him, he misses his turn
>next turn he's alive and can act
your guy misses 1-2 turns for dying based on whether he got his attack off before dying turn 1

>Mario RPG
>turn cycle is, say, geno mallow mario enemy enemy enemy
>if enemy kills mario or mallow
>geno revives them with item, they still get to move that turn
>if enemy kills geno
>mario or mallow revive, geno misses a turn
You only have a 1/3 chance of losing 1 turn for the dead char, whereas in DQ and FF you're guaranteed to lose 1 and maybe 2.

You can only hold so many items in smrpg though, each pick me up you hold is one less of another item
Granted you get way too many item slots but the premise is there

and you read way too much into things
its more i needed a picture of a vidya character crying and could only think of mallow cause i dont come here with a script or anything like that and why it takes me so long to reply to anything. memory's not what it used to be either

what the fuck are you on about spergo


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