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tfw sollux

why is karkat a midget?

>inb4 pruned

tfw no nepeta gf

i refuse to believe anyone who read this shit back in the day still exists

Right here user, read at 13, 22 now still kickin, just finished Uni, not a total NEET either, somehow turned out well adjusted despite being a faygo chugging "BUCKETS XDD" kid.

I haven't stopped existing yet unfortunately. What's harder to belive is that people still read it. Or read, as i recall the sorry attempt at a sequel died a violent death.

The most overrated web phenomena ever. How anyone enjoyed this piss poor story is beyond me.

bonus points:
>I spent an entire summer roleplaying as Vriska on a 10 person kik from 10pm to 5am.

I was reading it, but some point in the middle I just didn't feel like reading a bunch of text. I said I'd do it later. Later has yet to happen.

Don't ever let later happen. It peaks at the end of act 5, and that's not even halfway through the story.

I started reading it when I was a very dubious high school senior back in like 2010/2011 or so. I was in a small skype group that would always talk about it and RP as the characters, I was pic related. I really do miss those days, life was so simple

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>just finished Uni, not a total NEET either
If you're attending school you're not a NEET

fuck you i read all of it and it's still the worst piece of shit i've read

Homestuck ruined an entire generation of children.

I should have mentioned this was it was still on-going. Like years ago. We're talking maybe 10 years or more of "later" here.

Wow congratulations user, you unraveled the mystery of why I said not a total NEET either.

I swear anytime I hear anyone mention how they used to read they ALWAYS ERP'd, why did we do that?

So why even mention it, retard. You're just being redundant.

Please vacate thread dork. Not my fault you're pissing your pamper over the usage of the word NEET. (no education EMPLOYMENT or TRAINING) Forget what the other letters stood for?

most people here were horny teenagers when HS was at its peak.

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