Predict the world record for the "all bosses glitchless" speedrun one year from now

Predict the world record for the "all bosses glitchless" speedrun one year from now.

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OP is a literal fucking fart huffing faggot.
You are also a literal fucking fart huffing faggot if you post below this line

Sub 1 hour easily.

You're a nigger if you read this.

Speedrunners are failures and are the dregs of humanity.

Why would you watch a glitchless run? What's the point?

>fucking fart hugging faggot
This is so stupid but it made my laugh like a psychopath. Thank you, (You) beautiful bastard

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15 hours or so

There's like 60 bosses in the game. Even with the craziest optimization you won't push the fight+travel time below a minute for each of them. I think sub 5 hours would already be insanely impressive.

content creators and speedrunners are cancer

And yet they found a way beat oot by glitch skipping 99% of the game.
Fromsoft isnt known for its coding prowess. Pretty sure speedrunners will figure out skip triggers for sub hour or even less.

Op said glitchless

OP specified "glitchless". With glitches crazy shit will happen.

Horse fuckery might cut down travel time but I wonder if that might turn into a "glitch" category if (when) we find gaps in mountains to quit/continue through or up.

>some hyper autist will run 100% runs of this game

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Speed running livestreamers ruins games for me, dunno why.

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How does it affect you?

I'm more excited for the challenge runs like level 1.
This game is gonna provide heaps of content to play and watch.

lvl1 runs will be harder than ever I think. The game is balanced around being able to easily level up and upgrade your shit. Also there's no Raw infusion this time around.

I think they'll have to frost/bleed but it should be doable, no main boss is immune to both right?

Glitchless will probably be sub 4.