AM I THE ONLY ONE who enjoyed Yooka-Laylee?

AM I THE ONLY ONE who enjoyed Yooka-Laylee?

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No, I also liked it.

its ugly and levels just arent fun
the movement itself is pretty good tho

counter point: the levels are pretty fun

developers screwed jontron I never played it as a result of this

jontron screwed himself

Nah i loved it. Accept corporate cashino fucking hate that world with a passion

I also liked it and I consider it a very good 7/10 game. Despite being very good, it has a few flaws that diminish its quality (repeated enemies, flight ability that takes away from the platforming, and some jank). It's still worth a playthrough.

probably my least favorite too, but i don't outright hate it
there's something whimsical about it

I did, 100%'d it 3 times.


First was pirate, then was pirated again when they did a patch. Then I bought it just to get the cheevos.
Bought the platformer sequel/spinoff but haven't tried it yet, how is it?

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If you like Donkey Kong Country, you'll like The Impossible Lair.

I enjoyed the start of it, but as you expanded the worlds it started to feel more like Tooie - huge worlds that are mostly stretches of land with meaningful achievements too far between each other.

It's way better.

I liked it.
It's pretty good, but 2D platformers are a dime a dozen. It really doesn't have anything special enough about it to stand out.

I enjoyed it but the levels were too large with not enough to do.

no I liked it

much more than the second one, which everyone says is good but I hated

it was ok, 6.5-7/10
the sequel however was 8.5/10

> Jontron screwed Jontron.

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