You know this game is a true masterpiece when Any Forums turns into /erg/ - elden ring general for weeks

You know this game is a true masterpiece when Any Forums turns into /erg/ - elden ring general for weeks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I never liked the idea of elden ring and when it began gaining traction I realized what piece of anti-white garbage propaganda it truly was going to be.

Nigger what?

Elden Ring only has 1 brown person

He’s going around to elden ring threads to post this. Nobody really knows if he’s baiting or just discord/schizo.

What the fuck are you talking about? Take your meds.

which one? Dunno if I even met the npc

Nepheli, Gideon's adopted daughter. You find her at the village if albinauruanurucs in Limuria

it's a bot fellas

unironically true. especially since we’re actually having fun except for some discord shitters

? She's white.
The only black person is the Prawn Man who gets raped by the Dungeater and dies of super aids
That's actually what happens.

every thread
aww man funny shit

Have you ever felt the pox? Smells like, poopy. Poopy… rapey… heheheh

I just learned there’s an optional ending with the dung eater wtf

>She's white
Let me guess, you also think Italians are white?

That's very clearly a man.

I prefer to call them "dirty white"

>get excited
>Can't wait to explore cool builds and new techniques
>End up going full unga bunga and roll with a great axe the entire time
>Have yet to find a worthy successor for it yet
>All great swords so far are crap

I cheesed the shit out of her. Fuck her.

why does Sephiroth have red hair and 2 wings now

Nepheli is Godfrey's daughter so she's white. Mixed at most.

>The only black person is the Prawn Man who gets raped by the Dungeater and dies of super aids
god damn it, this fucking game
that and the rape potion I swear

Attached: 1646579459454.jpg (229x343, 13.06K)

The same thing happened with DS2 and 3, and those are universally regarded as dogshit now. The truth is redditors just flood this board with any FROMshit no matter what it is.

toe armor

not buying till it's on deep sale :)

I'm pretty sure Sellen was getting raped in her cell too

Boobs shranked in 2nd form

how did they get away with it?

I found her there without doing any of her questline beforehand, had no clue what to do, so i just left and forgot about her lol