Horizon Forbidden West Sales Down 80 Percent Following Elden Ring's Launch

>The Horizon series can't catch a break. Both Zero Dawn and Forbidden West were heavily praised by fans and critics alike, so there's no doubting the quality. But for whatever reason, they both had the worst launch windows. Five years after the first game in the series lost its battle against The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, history is repeating itself - this time, because Elden Ring is just too successful.

>While initially going strong, Horizon Forbidden West has seen its sales drop by 80 percent following the launch of fellow open-world title, Elden Ring. This comes from UK charts for both physical and digital sales. The figures put Horizon in third place in digital sales, behind both the FromSoft game, and Fifa 22.


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Zero Dawn was better

Theyre selling badly becayse theyre shit fucking games you fucking retards. Stop blaming others for your misgivings.

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imagine the seethe, wait, you can visibly see the seethe

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Why just looks like the same movie game, but with better graphics?

I know this has fuckall, to do with the sales, but maybe if they made nikado bitch cuter they would've been up a little higher. Sheldon's Thing has cute girls and its doing well

maybe its a charm

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This. It's shitty forced franchise nobody likes. Sony is spending millions on marketing but it's impossible to trick people twice.

Wow, people are getting sick of flavor of the week Ubishit clones? Maybe people have some sense after all?

They would be higher because sex still sells despite how much western devs want to deny it.

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I played all AC games and each of them is better than Horizon Zero Dawn.

I like it ok, it's decent, but it feels very last gen. The open world, towers/tallnecks, enemy base camps, map/interfaces. After playing a couple games on the PS5 that felt and looked new and fresh, this feels a bit dated.

Come on, Zero Dawn can't possibly be worse than Odyssey.

Dumb developer putting politic upon sales. You do not have to create another lara croft but at least not nikado as you state.
Litterally more ugly than the actor playing her.

Elden Ring is a refreshing take on what an open world game should be juxtaposed to HZD which is the epitome of lazy, dogshit open world game design that has littered AAA gaming for over a decade now.

This isn't surprising.

>I have the best turd in the sewer

>insanely ugly protagonist
>the same shitty game everyone has already played 1000000 times
I'm surprised anyone bought it.

>shit game doesnt sell
>good game does
shocking outcome

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Fucking MOGGED.

Why the fuck even would they release it anywhere near The Fromsoft Game. Why would you fucking do that?

This happens to nearly every single player game in existence, please stop being retards for once

Aloy do be having a busted face but dem hips. Mount it from behind, if you're so inclined. Impregnate her. Make her feel what it is to be a woman.

>Litterally more ugly than the actor playing her.
This. I'm fucking tired of the faggots defending this shit pulling the "muh realism card" when they reference models actually look decent irl. Especially in Alloy's case with the excessive peach fuzz, it's more of a matter of just because you can doesn't mean you should.

So we're going to see them do the same thing they did with Zelda, right? Repeatedly slash the cost of the game down until it's a bargain bin title, give it away for free on PSN, and then bravely proclaim how their sales were neck and neck with Elden Ring just shy of passing it five years later?

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Didn't happen to Sekiro


Zero Dawn sold more in its first week than Sekiro has ever sold

Lets be real. Soul games sell lower than 5m most of the times. While they probably expected 15m sales from zero dawn. They understimated it, yes, but elden ring actually surpassed expectations.

Their fault for selling it a week before Elden Ring's launch which was more highly anticipated than Forbidden West. They could've easily delayed a week or two after Elden Ring.

Then why is Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey still seeing high sales numbers?


We were talking about sales dropping not total sales you imbecile

Zero Dawn was a cohesive narrative and fighting robodinos was the main focus of the game. In Forbidden West they threw in like 800 different new things into the "world building and lore" department and the game expects you to immediately understand everything it throws at you on a dime. It's like trying to follow the story of the second Michael Bay Transformers movie, the one with the nigbots that call everything bitch, it's fucking impossible without looking it up on the wiki and even then it'll read like a schizoid's thought processes. Also robodinos are no longer the focus of the game, despite what is shown in promotional material. I spent 3/4's of the game fighting regular ass people, it was practically the same as the nu-lara Tomb Raider games but with different dodging.

and somehow even uglier character models

No wonder the devs are pretty upset about it.

>the OG game was always at it's best when it was robot monster hunter and fightan humans was the weakest part
>they doubled down on fighting humans instead of robotdinos


You make your own protag