"Wh..h..what if we take the same boss and copy paste it 3 times !"

>"Wh..h..what if we take the same boss and copy paste it 3 times !"
I'm convinced this game completely invalidates any STR build at this point. Every boss leaves only a millisecond interval for you to attack and if you aren't running a dex or magic build you're shit out of luck.
I was okay with this until pic related. The boss is already bullshit as is but it's literally nigh impossible with a STR build.

Attached: Cancer.png (470x267, 289.42K)

Optional boss, next you'll say you don't even use ashes because of some arbitrary reason

>Every boss leaves only a millisecond interval for you to attack
Playing with an UGS btw.
Git gud and learn to parry.

opinion invalidated

Its completely necessary for the armour and sword

>he doesn't know you can parry with certain fist weapons.

Killed It on my third try with a greatsword plus cuckoo's shield build. Don't see the issue, Halberd Guy is super abusable.

>Dude why is this Boss so bullshit???? I can't kill this PoS unfair Boss with my broken laddle +1 build, worst from software game ever!

Beat the entire game using Ultra Greatswords exclusively. Start jumping and stop crying like a bitch. You make Strength chads look like dex fag cry babies with posts like this.

if this room had 100 of them there would still be fromfaggots sucking off this games dick and telling you to just parry bro and that its completely fair

its still lazy and bullshit


Attached: 1630769736916.jpg (1128x1080, 547.94K)

I HATE Crucible Knights. The fuckers, once on the second phase, they barelly give any space to be attacked, while they fuck you with fast reactions, shitty tail that appears without warning, and constantly attack you.
And that is when there is ONE knight, or one but alone. Because I literally did dozens of tries to pass Misbegotten Warrior & Crucible Knight battle. Fuck this battle. And now im going to be summoned to help other players, but fuck I hate this boss battle.
But worse is that there will be more Crucible Knights, isnt it...?

Attached: Elden-Ring-Misbegotten-Warrior.jpg (1280x720, 271.36K)

no. if you just kite them they will only ever attack one a time giving letting you easily pick one off. after that it's just a lone crucible knight which shouldn't be a problem to deal with at all by that point in the game.

>what if we copy pasted the erdtree boss 10 times lmao
Fucking japs are so lazy

And you can name an open world game where this isn't the case?

You already lost this argument in the other thread, shill.

The tail attack is never completely random, you can always know when it's possible for them to do it(sometimes they don't do it of course but it will never catch you off guard if they do). Every tail attack is also a free attack for you if you roll it, sometimes they even do a sword attack after the tail attack which will lead into another tail attack and another hit(webm related).
They're hard but it is possible to learn their patterns and just open them up. Or you can just parry and they're pretty easy but i'm bad at parrying so I just roll.

Attached: 1646607693742.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

>crucible knight duo
I killed 1 of them and got the other one to 20% health first try with only 5 flasks using UGS jump spam. It was pretty easy with full flasks after that.

Nigga they copy pasted tree sentinal and crucible knight 4 times...

OP, try using Bloodhound's step. It's extremely fuckin good, even in PvP. Obviously it takes more skill to get good with than a katana or something, but it is meta. UGS rolling attacks are just as fast or faster than a straight sword's and they do a fuckton of damage. You may need to level up mind a little, or just swap in some extra baja blast estus, but try it. Buff your sword with bloodflame or lightning, they're low stat investment and help quite a bit.

>I'm convinced this game completely invalidates any STR build at this point
It took a few tries but I shit on these guys with strength and just dumpstered Niall in my first try. Full strength has never felt this strong

Attached: doublekneel.webm (852x480, 2.93M)