Why did i move here?

Why did i move here?

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Cause cities are better QOL than buttfuck nowhere and especially buttfuck suburbia.

I guess it was the niggers

That fuckin beak, oy vey


I guess it was the shark cards.

I dont remember anymore, its been almost 10 years

I guess it was the weather.

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so are they adding ray tracing to the PC version too, or is it PS5/XbeX exclusive?

Guess it was wittness protection

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How much more of a shithole has LA become since the release of GTAV? Is the version depicted still somewhat accurate?

I'm listening to a show called FBI Files on a TV behind me and as soon as I entered this thread they started talking about a guy named Michael Townley back in the 1970s. Fucking weird.

I've lived in both and that's only true if you're in the top 20% of earners.

No it's not as bad as in real life.

Kill Trevor>Deathwish>>>>>Kill Michael

Only retards who cant listen to a story choose to kill michael

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I guess it was the gentrification

synchronicity bro

Trevor's a shithead but Michael is a rat...
always kill a traitor before an enemy
Franklin knew this

I guess Rockstar got the name from this guy, too many similarities, such as them both being in witness protection.


Sorry but if you pay attention michael only wanted trevor gone in the intro

Lester says that Michael never sold him out and betrayed him, Brad was supposed to get away, he was "okay", trevor was supposed to die because hes a fucking schizo that needed to be put down

Michael wanted out of the game and only sold out a madman for it, if it went to plan

>Michael in GTA 5
>in Witness Protection

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It's like frosting on a hardened shit-cake.

This, it's only nice when you have tons of money. I'd rather live in a rural town or hamlet.