Should video games keep track of all the information it presents for the player or should they have to do it themselves?

should video games keep track of all the information it presents for the player or should they have to do it themselves?

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What benefit would there be to the game showing all the NPCs and their quest progress?

eat a bullet, faggot

games should inform players ahead of time of what kind of game it'll be so that players can make informed purchases

the fuck
that guy's a tranny now?

what kind of question is that

>keep a journal so you don’t forget stuff

He has been for like 2 years now.


They tend to lie and make empty promises as part of their marketing. The important part is should we nitpick every "twisting the truth" info games throw at you?

We should cull people.

that's just called being stupid

This is like the 7th Souls game From has made, at this how could you not know exactly what this game is going to be?

What the fuck did people think picrel was for when games still came with manuals?

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in this case it comes across as laziness, as user pointed outif you have adhd the solution is to take notes is it not?

Why can't the journal be in game?

According to the pic you posted, no one ever used them.

LOL cranky knows what is up

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the benefit would be not relying on third party tools to keep track of your progress, and providing a smoother way to play the game?

If it could incorporate your own note taking with a pencil and paper into the game itself, that would be nice.

Stop paying attention to him. His entire brand is being bitter about "le toxic gamers", and the views are drying up.

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*

Etrian Odyssey did that

This also there should be no map in game we should have to draw our own and also no fast travelling that's for pussies.
Remove jumping and rolling too, that's for baby casuals who can't deal with being hit.

youtube recommended me a reacting video to him and i have it on in the background, i just wanted to discuss the topic brought up, lol

What do you even need notes for? The game tells you were to go and the plot is standard vague as fuck FROM fare. Marking places you've partially completed is all you need.

so here we are then.... the lads.

Wait. Where would a journal have helped? Either written in a notepad or in game. What you need a journal for?

If you have adhd maybe you shouldn't play games that require more attention than what you are able to give them.

The only thing Elden Ring should add is an in game journal of NPC dialog with no clear indication of what quest dialog may or may not be related to. Simply open the journal, select your NPC, and you clearly see a transcript of all dialog between you two and nothing more.

you can forget that you wrote shit, the trick is to not only write everything down but also keep the shit open and always on top at all times, this is the only way I can play video games, I can actually forget something 5 seconds after it happened even if I wrote it down, and every night when I take my >meds I have to make a conscious effort to remember each one I took so I don't accidentally take them again

The smoothest way is just remembering though.

That's nice.

If it's that bad wouldn't you always type down everything you do all the time anyway?

Why would you need a third party tool to keep track of progress?

What benefit would there be to removing those thigns?

Some old dungeon crawlers allow you to write on the map itself, I don't understand why no games do this anymore.

that's what I just said, yes, I record everything I do so I don't just keep doing it over and over again

straight out of the movie Memento

>become a tranny
>change your name
>twitter handle still has your old name

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>markers with icons helping me associate what they are marking aren't enough
What a little bitch. The reason he has memory issues is because he doesn't exercise it and his diet is probably dogshit.

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Is this you?

>I have memory issues
>I have ADHD
>I'm non-binary
>I'm trans
>I started HRT
At some point that shit stop being satire.

Must be the HRT fucking with his brain.

it's not all the time, I can function usually, like a few actions I took in the past minute are missing but most of them are still there so I can piece together what happened, it's just annoying when it's important shit that can get me put in the hospital like accidentally overdosing on meds.

I sorta agree with this. I take notes anyways since I work long days and rarely have time to game. I don't like being lost after not playing something all week.

Low T gives you brainfog.

he is a living embodiment of a south park episode

Why is your memory so shit you can't remember what quests you have accepted?