Why do gamers love Cheeseburgers so much?

Why do gamers love Cheeseburgers so much?

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Lol! They really do! H aha!

What year do you think it is, 2004? Gamers eat shit like Monster Energy.

They're tasty.

Whats not to like about a hot savory sandwich that is easy to bite into?

All people like cheeseburgers and gamers are just people.
Now post cheeseburger related images.

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Cheeseburgers taste good

For me, it's the Double Whopper with cheese

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God damn I could go for a fat burger right about now

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I'm actually not a burger fan in general.

There are plenty of threads for homosexuals and trannies elsewhere.

>Absolutely love Burger King
>Get a horrible stomach ache and fart cramps every time

It's suffering

I'm American and I hate burgers. My cousins would force me to eat them when I was really young because they thought it was hilarious how much I hate them.

next time I go to burger king I'm gonna act this scene out
same, a doner would be nice too

I hope he washed his hands before holding that burger because if not holy fuck that's disgusting.

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fast food ones are garbage but a homemade cheeseburger off the grill is god-tier

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Damn I could go for carls jr/hadees now

cheese burger is arguably the most human food out there. it has been painstakingly designed to perfectly fit human hands, human mouths and human appetite. no other animal is capable of enjoying a hamburger as us humans do.

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>Large Double Whopper Cheese meal
>side salad
>apple pie
Would $5.50 really have got you this much food at Burger King in 2004?

fuck off Randy

for me it's poutine

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it's literally the optimal food

Just eat more to build up intolerance.

>Double Whopper
>Large fry

>For what looks like 6-7$

Truly, times have taken a change for the worse.

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I wish there was a Hardee's or Carl's Jr. near me. Keep seeing ads for them, and I swear I had them at least once while travelling at one point.

>Love junk food
>Weak stomach
>Irritable bowel syndrome
>Get horrible stomach pain and diarrhea from all of it
I know how you feel.
I just wanna enjoy a burger...

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they're the pinnacle of a culinary experience. the mixture of flavors and textures, easily fit into your hand

bro that's just ground meat seasoned with onion and tomato, not the second coming of christ

When not cooked in grease, they can actually be very healthy. Meat, cheese, bread, fruits and vegetables all at once.

McDoubles bros why can't we stop winning?

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Animals can't even ground meat let alone make bread and shape it into a circle for a bun.

For me it's the meat and bread burger. Cheese, bacon and bbq sauce are acceptable.

Animals also can't cook meat or make 99% of the foods we eat so idk what your point is

You have a point, animals are really missing out. We need to teach them about cooking.

user is stoner-posting

so go buy burger with angus beef from real restaurant you absolute monkey
>buying anything from commercial fast trash

I miss when Burger King was good so much bros.

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These used to be 1,39 € where i live. Now they are 2,59 €.
McDonalds can Mcscrew themselves.

>Not knowing the difference between good food and good trash food


remember when their chicken nuggets were crazy good in the late 90's? and then they ruined them.

>forgot to defrost meat
>only places that serves burgers anywhere near me are brewpubs that charge fucking 16+ dollars for one
I don't even have fast food as an option unless I want to go so far out of my way.

impressive when you see than in 80 things like aerobics were pretty popular and now we have fat elephants saying body shamin and body positivity

how do you not have any fast food near you?