Nobody played this

Nobody played this...

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especially since ER dropped. those devs must be asking how the fuck it happened a second time

I love my hotwife, Aloy!

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>female protagonist
unironically the only reason I didn't touch those games
they look pretty good otherwise


...and that's a good thing!

Does it even differ from other theme park ubishit games?

She ugly and her voice is annoying.
No thanks.

I pirate it but the uncanny facial animations made me uninstall it.

I bought the first one and gave it up after 8 or so hours. The first game sold well but most people's opinion on it was that it was "pretty meh". They should make another Killzone honestly.


more like forgotten in the west

>Release first game right between Breath of the Wild and Nier Automata
>Release second game around Elden Ring
They really need to think this over more.

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I actually just finished it. It was alright. Not deserving of the high praise it got. It's just a competent open world game that doesn't really do anything unique or noteworthy. The combat is a lot of fun.

Yes and no. There's a lot more polish in this than a typical Ubishit game.

That's a pretty feminine dude


I did play it.
And while the first one ended on a alright hook, it wouldn't mater that much if there wasn't going to be a sequel. and the core story was finished.
the second one fucking reveals a retarded new bigger bad and sequel hook half an hour before the credits roll.
Am i supposed to care, be in suspense until the sequel? they're not going to let it end on a sour note. So no matter how dangerous they make this new bad the ending is a forgone conclusion.

I bought dying light 2 instead (not really into ER) paid 50 quid and it's extremely meh

Imagine trying to take on the new Souls game

Like what were they thinking? Self sabotage?

it's shit writing, but as far as video games go, adequate enough I guess. I'd like to think nobody plays these games for their retarded narratives.

the first one's story was an alright backdrop to the robot killing, this one's retarded:
there are two first acts and the 3rd act feels both too high pace and without any real time pressure at the same time.
Many of the new robots are more annoying then fun to fight and they reused the retard bear robots from that non sequitur dlc.

I dont like to play videogames with ugly mains, sorry.