If you use summons in DS1 you're a scrub and didn't actually beat the game

>if you use summons in DS1 you're a scrub and didn't actually beat the game
>if you use summons in DS2 you're a scrub and didn't actually beat the game
>if you use summons in DS3 you're a scrub and didn't actually beat the game
>if you use summons in Elden Ring it's totally ok, the game was clearly designed around summons

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sounds like op got btfo in another thread

I still find Big League Chew piece of shit funny.
You're a shitter if you summon still.

I'll keep using my Jellyfish bro and there's nothing you can do about it

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>game gives you summoning bell and 2 free summons within the first hour of the game
>they give you 60+ different summons to play with
>summons available in almost every boss fight even in the overworld
>surprised that the game is balanced around it

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it's only balanced around it if you suck, it's like saying O&S is balanced around you summoning Solaire and totally wasn't meant to be done solo

Whether or not you suck has nothing to do with it
They included it in the game, gave it to you almost immediately, and expected you to use it so they balanced around it. Simple as
Only autists care about whether or not you used it and no one gives a shit what they think

If a boss brings a friend, I will bring mine.

I bet some of these people bragging that they didn't use summons actually leveled up.
You don't need to level up to beat the game. Doing it is just making things easier for the player.

>game gives me the option to purchase ingame items using real currency
>apparently it's not cheating to abuse it because casualfags imply that the game is balanced around them
Reminder to ignore casualshitters. Summoning in ER is cheating and you are ruining your own experience by doing it.

Oh please m'lord, tell us where the line is
Is leveling cheating?
Is rolling cheating?
Is using a weapon cheating?
When do we stop cutting things?
Please, I can only play the way that pleases you

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Just because you made a video game harder on yourself does not mean you're better at it. It means you're a tryhard.

The difference is that the people saying that in DS1-3 weren't whining that the games are too hard, like they are now.

i love my ganksquad niggas
its just so fun to spawn them and clear area with them

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The seething about summons will never get old. Like are you better at the game if you didn't summon at all in the game? Probably, but that doesn't mean you didn't beat it if you don't summon. Also some bosses get ultra bulky with the extra summons, so they can be more of a hindrance than anything.

>muh experience
>muh epic journey
>muh overcoming hardship
>muh real life lessons

If you press A on mario you're a scrub and didn't actually beat the game

I used ash summons on the Putrid Crystalline trio and Valiant Gargoyles because I thought they were shit and wanted to be done with them as soon as possible, but I still wouldn't use another player or an NPC summon, that seems like a bit much.

>Step through fog wall
>Boss is in a tiny room and is backed up by a squad of regular enemies
Yup, I'm ringing it

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>Game is not balanced around it
>Game is not balanced around it
>Game is not balanced around it
>Game is now balanced around it.

Yeah, correct. Because they made it that way.

i love the summon characters. it's like having a companion. I don't care about this game being difficult. I beat the bosses solo I want to beat solo because of the feels and story.
you're tarnished but you don't need to be lonely