How do I quit?

How do I quit?

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>haha dudes look at me I hate this game but still play it
>such a gamer addict xD
Please kill yourself you braindead teenager.

literally stop playing
I haven't even uninstalled it, I just haven't launched it for years
>but I
shut the fuck up faggot, either you want to quit or you don't

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Is a process of detoxification (just like drug addicts have to go through)

video game addiction isnt real retard

uninstall it after every game you play
by making it harder to start a new game you'll be less likely to do it

t. mongoloid

idk why you guys say this, there's nothing wrong with it being an addiction, people can be addicted to anything

try to unironically be toxic and get banned or something. The way I get myself to stop playing games I know I am wasting time in is to make them as hard for me to play as possible so I try to be insufferable and get banned or something when I feel like it

You know how gambling sites and casinos have self-exclusion clauses where you can go and literally van yourself from using them for a set amount of time? I need that with league. Losing feels worse than winning feels good and I'm sinking so much time into it

Play Dota

If you are asking, you don't really want to quit

Drop it like its hot

sell your account.

Look at how much time you've wasted on Lol
drop a nigger in chat or something
sell your account

How do people become addicted in the first place is the better question here.

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Type niggers in chat until you get perma baned

You press the "X" in the top left corner, then "Quit" buttion.

You kill yourself.

I used to have a lot of fun playing with friends, and just overall fucking around in games back in season 1-2. I just want to recapture that experience, Like a point you could fight over on a map. there could be like 5 of them, and you wouldn't have to deal with the boring ass lane phase. It could be fast, and it would probably even be fun. If only such a thing existed.

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how do people get addicted anyways? like just stop playing nigga

one word: play rankeds