I want to kill myself

I want to kill myself
I can't take the crippling loneliness anymore

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just troon out

if you're lonely learn how to communicate and talk to people
it's based. watch some anime, read some manga...

Dont do it user

Get a pet and see someone who can help

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OP, did you know I look forward to seeing your posts since I don't really have anyone else to talk to

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Get a dog

Get a hobby and go join a community that has the same interest as yours and make friends.

I have two cats already
it doesn't help

Transition into a transgender woman has helped so many people. I reckon it might help you too, user.

I've tried that
it doesn't help
plus there's no women there anyway and if there was it would be suicidal to talk to them

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Have you tried leaving your comfort zone and asking actual people about your problems instead of an uncaring anonymous mass?

Your cats would be sad (and die if there were nobody to feed them)

Were you also the one that called your mom a nigger like 2 weeks ago?
That could probably have something to do with it kek

You can't even make friends with people online? You never just started talking in voicechat and enjoyed someone's company? Youre either autistic, or you afraid to do the BARE MINIMAL for socializing despite being """"lonely""""

anons on Any Forums are the only people I have to talk to
I'm not close with anyone in real life and I would never talk about anything like this with them anyway, and even online with people I've never actually met I don't want to burden them with my mental problems and even if I've tried they never give any real help
my parents feed the cats most of the time
voice chat makes me too anxious
I don't even like listening in on people
as for online "friends" read the first part of my reply

I try to talk to people
I go down the list of people I have added on discord and send them all the same thing that might be interesting me at the time or that I want to talk about and get either no reply or just a single sentence that leads no where
I'm tired of being the only fucking one ever trying to talk or initiate a conversation
it's always the same fucking thing every fucking time for my entire fucking life
no one makes the effort to talk to me

What would you think if I was a female (female) that liked to frequent your threads?

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You will be miserable until you leave your comfort zone of only talking to people on 4channel
Even if you go out and try to socialize and fail miserably, that would still be a better fate than wasting away avatarfagging on one of the worst boards on this site. Fail enough and you'll realize it's not really a big deal anyways

Also try therapy if possible. That's someone who is literally paid to listen to your emotional problems and try to help you deal with them

based hope-raiser

I wouldn't believe you
and even if I did, what good would it do me?

Then fucking do it

>I'm tired of being the only fucking one ever trying to talk or initiate a conversation
Lmao that's me. It's tiring.

Every failed suicide attempt ("suicide survivor" if you will) reports an instant sensation of "wait, I fucked up" as the blade was sinking in or the bullet was passing through

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Do a flip already you humongous faggot

being embarrassed in a social situation is an overwhelming existential terror for me
even the rare time I'm around other people I'm so fucking scared of something going wrong I don't dare to try it
every moment of my life I'm having arguments with made up people in my head or imagining conversations I want to have hours in advance practicing them so I can say it right and then pacing around the house trying to work up the courage to say the first line
the idea of trying to show interest in a woman is so terrifying and confusing for me that I don't even know how to start and can't make myself do anything
this is ignoring the fact I never have women to even interact with in the first place

Males aren't supposed to feed off of attention.
Anyway, if you're not willing to change it's best to learn be comfortable with being lonely, like a lot of men do.

Do it, idgaf.
The weak are meant to die.

my whole life has been nothing but crippling regret
what's one more moment of that going to matter? it'll finally be over
I'll be free
the only problem is I'm so depressed I can't even make myself get out of bed to piss so I can't make myself buy a gun and go through with ending my empty existence either

I dunno
To be honest I've wondered what it'd be like to talk to you but I don't know how I'd go about doing that
I wouldn't really like it if you died, in any case

thats just survival instinct kicking in

>being embarrassed in a social situation is an overwhelming existential terror for me
I'd guess that's because you're not used to being in social situations at all, so when you are in one you go to flight-or-fight.
The more you expose yourself to it, the more comfortable with it you may become

At the very least read some literature from people who've been through similar existential dread in the past (and are much smarter than you or I). Dostoevsky has always been a personal favorite

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>be comfortable with being lonely
Yeah. It works.

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>want to coom
>bookmark 390 videos
>watch two or three of them
Why cant I stop hoarding coom material? There isnt enough coom to go around.

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No amount of coom material would fulfill you.
Better to enjoy life with none.

unironically start smoking weed. You remind me of myself and I managed to become "normal" (although I can and do retreat to my old ways every now and then because its comfy)

You also get the benefit of fresh perspective courtesy of actually coming close to losing your life instead of just thinking about how great it would be because you're miserable and in a negative feedback loop

what relevance would you being a girl even have when you're just words on a screen like everything else
I still don't believe you regardless