Game has performance issues

>game has performance issues

so what exactly are they rating when they review these games if performance doesn't seem to matter?

Attached: 1644952735902.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Did some redditor make a shrine about it along with unplugging his grandma on her dead bed in order to play it during release? That's a cultural phenomenon and the best game of the universe and if you think otherwise you're a snoylent tenderbot.

works perfectly for me

maybe the game itself you retarded fuck

It's a feature.

half the sites that are mentioned here do not exist.
they're not even attempting to hide the paid nature of review scores now

It's the new flavor of the month
fabled lands java runs on any computer. I'm about to start a new character and explore books 3 and 5

Attached: The fabled lands java.jpg (600x480, 83.74K)


Attached: 1646506496917.png (348x749, 366.17K)

literally every single thread on Any Forums is about elden ring, MAYBE it's really a 10/10

based, this game has officially killed a boomer. gotyay

Sahnjeet pleased to get bagg to de phonez, we can make eh horizon zero dawn thread next break

There is something called 'bribe'. Search about it.

Playing on Sex on a VSS tv seems to have mitigated most of the issues for me, but the fact that from still hasn't figured this out is pretty pathetic desu.

Not even BoTW had this much traction. Elden Ring will truly never be dethroned and will be discussed for years to come.

Works on my machine

Attached: 1487271189526.jpg (320x320, 22K)

>newfags who weren't here for the release of Dark Souls 1

>>game has performance issues
Wow, it stutters for like 2 seconds every 10 minutes. Truly a game-ruining performance issue...

I was and nobody cared about DS1 until it had a PC release.


Not everyone has a GT 710 OP

It was an extremely scummy 'partial embargo' that might as well have been
>don't tell the shee- customers that our game doesn't work

Nobody cares about your tears, PCbitch.

>not even a 3080 can maintain a perfect 60
>60 being the max of this garbage port
Fuck off fromsoft apologist

stop trying to play it on your 1060 ive never had an issue on a gaming laptop

works on my machine :^)

>Game doesn't run at 60fps on my 10 year old shit box OR my PS4
Yes. This certainly warrants a 0/10 until From make it stable for Brazillians

I need a new cpu for 4k plex anyway but it's still kind of retarded that my i7 7700k is a problem so much so that my PS4 can run it better