Anybody miss Wario Land as much as I do?

Anybody miss Wario Land as much as I do?

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I played it for the first time a couple months ago on my chinese gba
I was surprised at the complexity and now I can't play nes mario games

Which one did you play? Wario Land 4 is talked about a lot, but the original is pretty damn great.

the original is all I've played so far
I'll play the rest at some point

Really great series. Wish we could get a new one on Switch.

Attached: warioland3.jpg (256x255, 25.97K)

It makes me sad that Wario doesn't get platformers anymore and is only the face of minigames. The appeal of a fat evil Mario who runs around punching people in the face in a more PG world is even more appealing now than it was 20 years ago because Mario is so safe.

I actually bought Wario Land III on my 3DS two days ago before the eshop closes and have been enjoying it. Still think II is better though.

Do you prefer the puzzle oriented ones more than the action platformer ones like 4 or VB?

I miss them. Warioland 2 is an actual masterpiece.

Yeah actually >.> I feel it gave the wario land games a unique feel compared to most other platformers at the time and frankly the puzzle level design is just fun to me.

I feel like II and 3 definitely have a more ambitious vision for the series, but I have a movement bias in games so getting stopped to turn fat all the time bothered me. Still had fun w II and 3 tho

Wario had a damn near perfect record, and it's a god damned travesty Nintendo doesn't capitalize on it more

The only times Wario wasn't up to par was when they subbed him out to other studios. World was okay, if a bit tedious and short, Master of Disguise was an abomination, and Shake It was too gimmicky and poorly advertised

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I really liked World! It's not a perfect game, but its pretty soulful. Treasure is good at that. Fuck Shake It, though.

They stopped making games because Shake It underperformed, it's that simple. However I'm not against the idea of letting different devs try it. Nobody was touching DKC until Retro.


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Thats a fair statement. Frankly I'd just be happy with a new wario land game regardless of which style they go with. I hate that wario is relegated to a mini game collections now.

Okay... I'm just gonna say it... Wario kinda had a rough transition to 3D

please say sike user

Just played wario land 3 as my first wario land game and it was a total blast. Amazing game considering it was on the game boy colour. Started wario land 4 and so far I actually don't enjoy it as much as 3, still fun though. I plan to get around to warioland 1 and 2 eventually.

what do you gain from saying wario world isnt good

I only played Wario Land 3 and 4, but they are awesome.
How is the one on Wii?

Attached: Wario-Land-Shake-It---Nintendo-Wii.jpg (768x768, 79.29K)

very solid, amazing visual style. Highly reccomend.

as a heads up, being a bit open minded about 1. As the first game, the team didn't really know what to do with Wario and it wasn't until 2 that the series found a good footing.

Really nothing. As other user said, it's really gimmicky and not taking advantage of the groundworks other entries set up.

Wanted to drum up this thread to promote a pair of vids I made talking about Wario Land, but didn't wanna be direct. Is it worth posting here? lol

What happened to Pizza Tower?

As of this year, the Wario land series has been dead for the same length of time as it was alive

I'll watch them, if they're less than 10 minutes.