ITT: vidya red flags

ITT: vidya red flags

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Why do westerners like this hairstyle so much

Undercuts are so ugly. The only way to make them worse it to pair it with cornrows.

>open world garbage

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cult of ugliness

wouldn't would would
would wouldn't wouldn't

playing video games doesn't make me violent
SJWs meddling with my games makes me violent.

we dont. THey are being forced on us because "le stronk womenz"


Trannies saw a punk girl once and said god i wish that was me

V doesn't count, cyberpunk makes it work

Video games are made by fat lesbians and trannies and this is what they like.

same can't be said for the game itself.

Cora is one of the only good characters in MEA though.
Also Vi is hot.

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Interesting cropping.
Conveniently hides that Alex doesn't have an undercut.

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...oh look, a thread from incels for incels - cringey to read.

Stop being fat, leave your mommy's house at least once a day for more than a minute (a smoking break doesn't count), and try to interact with a girl in a non-Any Forums way.

I have a wife and her bff with undercut/sidecut hair, we had more threesomes than you folks had regular normie sex, and both of them work and earn their money from brain work (read: none of them is stupid). You on the other hand are so bitter towards women that are confident and self-sufficient, showing that you feel unneeded (which you seem to be). Pa-the-tic.

>we had more threesomes than you folks had regular normie sex
ok cuck

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Cora had a fat ass

Trying too hard

We don't, Blackrock does

Shittiest bait on this board

take a seat

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Her sex scene was hilariously gratuitous. Like they outsourced it to an sfm smut maker.

Punk culture is where these fucks sprung from in the first place.

based chad making all the incels seethe