Remember, no Russian

How can we recover from this trend, Russian Any Forumsros?!

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Not my problem lmao


also blizzard is cancer, good riddance

I have no fucking control over my government and this doesn't affect Putin at all. What is this supposed to make me do? Revolt? Over fucking vidya?

This is supposed to make them feel righteous.

>company is fucked by recent scandals
>how can we try and saveface
>more virtue signaling
God, I hate this shit.

Fuck Russia, but at the same time also fuck Blizzard.

I mean, seriously, how fucking patheticly full of themselves does this VIDEO GAME company have to be to think that ceasing sales of their ENTERTAINMENT is going to contribute in ANY way to Ukraine? It's the most pathetic thing imaginable. You're not selling bullets or gasoline or something.

How is not selling videogames to russians gonna help ukranians?

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>I know, what if we prevent people from buying goods and services in a country that has zero power over its ruling class? That will surely send a message to the ruling class that they need to stop

I hate liberalism so much bros.

It's actually kind of fucked up seeing all of these "We are banning everything from the Russian people" type stuff. I kind of understand it because it ultimately hurts Russia and whatever but it just seems really fucking odd to me at the same time. I think the weird thing for me is the fact they everyone announces it on twitter or something like it's a good move ethically but in reality it's kind of moraly gray compared to most other stuff

That's what they want, yes. All these sanctions are literally trying to force a coup. It is directly targetted at Russian civilians so they get upset.

don't think just clap

I still don't get it

Vast majority of Russians pirate their media. What is the w*st gaining from this?

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Imagine an internet without R*ssians

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but also this

Wow, look at them. They're helping against the Russians through video games. Fucking crazy.

Well Russia has started a war now so it's only fair that its citizens who democratically elected Putin gets to taste some of the repercussions of war.

If you think it's just moral grandstanding you're unironically too fucking stupid for this conversation.

>democratically elected

I wish blizzard did that everywhere

Well good luck with that because food prices in the West are going to be sky high because of retarded globalism.
>hey let's get all our fertilizer from Eastern Europe, what could go wrong?
Also for some reason Egypt is the world's largest grain importer because it decided only growing cotton was a much better idea than growing any food, and now there's talk of a revolt there.

Do you know what won't revolt though? Russia, because nobody gives a fuck.

>Any Forums and MAGAbros claim to be anti-war
>now they unironically support war

>Any Forums and MAGAbros claim to be “pro free speech”
>defend a country that will detain you anywhere from 15 days to 5 years for protesting the war, charge you 60k USD in fines if you call it an “invasion”, will even arrest children for this. Now it is a criminal offense and can land you 15 years in prison

>Any Forums and MAGAbros deny that Trump is a Putin shill
>now not only did Trump praise Putin constantly, they unironically shill Putin too, Nick Fuentes wants Putin to be the US president, Tucker Carlson literally went live saying Putin isn't the enemy, other Americans are, and got broadcast on Kremlin-backed news

>Any Forums claims to oppose the wealthy elite
>unironically defend the Russian oligarchs who fund Putin and his warmongering, get butthurt when Western countries sanction said oligarchs, seize their yachts and freeze their assets

I just love the blatant hypocrisy.

>democratically elected Putin
lmao okay.

>democratically elected Putin

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F to all those poor Russian kids who just wanted to play some Call of Duty

just make russian scum pay for their subs and video games in dollars instead of rubles

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Where were the repercussions for the 10 wars America started in the middle east? Are we not supposed to care about them because they aren't European, or is it magically different when America does it?


>its citizens who democratically elected Putin

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Ukraine is the new BLM.

Sooo.... did they stop selling games to americans when they were bombing civilians in Iraq/Iran? I forget

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>democratically elected Putin

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>Punish the citizens because of something the government has done

America provides the world with protection of the global trade network. Pirates in Somalia were defeated by the US Navy (although I'll immediately recognize that China helped too, because they have a stake in it). Do you know who doesn't help anyone? Russia.

>be Russian
>literally no country wants to take us as refugee
I finally understood meaning of the phrase "living would envy to the dead" over past week.

Afghanistan was partly justified to the talibans going full retard covering for Al-Qaida. Iraq was more doubtful but nobody had any sympathy for the mad dog Saddam.

We can't
Unironically the oligarchs are our only hope
If the war, which Putin thought would be a matter of days, keeps draggin on, they might get mad enough to have him removed.

So America gets a special "you can start infinite wars" card because they contribute to the world economy?

Non existent. Yes, the west doesn't care about anything but itself. The world is built on double standards.

Iraq was only fought because the US miltiary leaders regretted not going full regime change in the first Gulf War. It was literally "hey you know that war that we said was over? Yeah, it isn't."

Welcome to capitalism

What's the likelihood of the all companies doing this because the ruble is crashing and they want to make a PR stunt out of cutting themselves off from a volatile currency over actually wanting Russia to stop?

All jokes aside, the world would be a much better place is we just isolated Russians and didn't let them on the white man's internet. Suddenly there'd be no hackers, no cheaters, no botters and no pigdisgusting cyrillic vomit and spergouts in in-game chats.

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It's fucking hilarious to me how Russia is basically this den of mobsters keeping all the profits while its lowly citizens go out and die in useless wars. How the fuck are Russians ok with literal mobsters running their country?

Most Russians support Putin. Can't say the same about most Western heads of state.

If you're a cute Russian girl you could always become a mail-order bride.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. The British had the same get out of jail free card.

It turns out when you're useful and people like you, you're allowed to do all sorts of shit to people who don't have any friends. Who knew?

there is no hope for russia and oligarchs won't do anything

I just hope Steam gets banned there soon. All the DOTA vatniks will actually suicide IRL

There's talk of decriminalizing piracy in Russia for countries that support the sanctions.

It's very likely they could actually not only provide new kino piracy download sites, but all the latest online-only games could get custom servers running in no time and tools for it distributed online to set up your own custom server. They might even hack into Denuvo's authentification servers and set up their own alternative. It might be unironically a boon to game preservation because their government will see it as part of cyberwarfare.

It's more about the Russian economy being in shambles yes, but this virtue signaling from corpos is beyond cringe

Reminder that Biden objectively didn't do anything wrong, and right wingers and conservatives trying to somehow spin this as Biden's fault are delusional

>Biden should've intervened militarily/set up a no-fly zone
Then that would start WW3 and lead to a potential nuclear holocaust, which he didn't do and is objectively a good thing
>Biden is weak for imposing sanctions
Then what else should he have done? Should he have said "pretty please stop attacking?" He imposed sanctions, gave military aid and equipment to Ukraine, and disclosed in advance that Russia was invading. Not a single conservative pundit or politician explains what else he should actually do.
>This wouldn't have happened under Trump!
Trump literally trusts Putin over our own US intelligence agencies, he did that during Helsinki and he did that with Afghanistan when US intelligence run by people he appointed said Russia was offering bounties on US troops there. If Trump was in charge he would just flat out refuse to believe that Russia is invading, would call Putin and ask him if he's doing it, then conclude it's a "peacekeeping operation"

>It's fucking hilarious to me how America is basically this den of mobsters keeping all the profits while its lowly citizens go out and die in useless wars. How the fuck are Americans ok with literal mobsters running their country?

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Surr, that's why Putin's regime keeps their panic censoring spree going, and making more and more anti-protest laws every day. Because of the overwhelming support.

Biden's senile and should resign. Yes, Harris would be better. Seethe.

Everything Russia touches turns into shit. Ask any neighboring or ex-soviet country. Meanwhile almost everything America touches also turns to shit, but at least we get to live in relative safety and prosperity.

Fuck off, i voted agenst Putin and i get fucked in ass by Putin by his blocks and sanctions but now whole world joining him to fuck me in the ass even more, and all i did was born here.

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god, I hate virtue signaling so much.

>Most Russians support Putin
That's why they have to kick out any and all free media (even their own) and jail anyone for 15 years who spreads """fake news"""" about their joke of a military.

>Trump literally trusts Putin over our own US intelligence agencies
Literally no one trusts the US intelligence agencies so this isn't saying much.

We don't. Soon we won't have Western Internet, anyway. I hope at least sites like will stay. I could deal with playing older games if I don't starve, get drafted or die in an airstrike.

>government does dumb decision
>punish mostly the working class of that governments country
Kinda retarded

Why do people keep saying this? Russia can't even defeat a poor neighbouring nation with pretty much no proper military until a decade ago. At best, Russia would last a week against the onslaught of NATO. Their military is a joke and their economy makes Argentina look like a role model. Russia is no superpower. And I don't think China is either. They're good at flexing muscles but when push comes to shove, they won't last in a real war.

No warcraft 3 or counter-strike make Russians go crazy.

There is no other realistic alternative to punish Russia, if NATO directly intervenes that leads to WW3. The alternative is just letting Putin invade whoever he wants, bomb whoever he wants, take whatever he wants with no repercussions which is nonsensical

Down with the ruskie menace. Your spies and disinfo campaign has no power anymore.

>sales of our games suspended
So nothing changes right?

Fuck off already

Finally, somebody fucking gets it. The PR aspect is literally just an icing on the cake. Nobody wants to do business in Russia because the ruble is only good for wiping your asshole and the risks of boycott from the west as well as the possibility (minor though it might be) of Russian govt. seizing western assets to fight back against the sanctions is too high.

Doing business with Russia or with Russians is suicide no matter how you look at it.

Well evidently they were right, so it's a good thing he wasn't in charge then, huh?

Maybe one day bros, maybe one day. But not this time.

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MAGA was against sending troops of their country against enemies of jews, not anti-war in general.

Again, World War 3 implies two sides of equal strength. Russia's military is a joke and so is their economy. They have muh nukes but the moment Russia fires even a single nuke, all of Russia would be turned to dust before that nuke even hits its target.

This isn't the 00s, lots of people here are buyfags. I gift my friends games for New Year and so do they. I buy games on sale etc.

but the sanction are pushing a regime change in your country
you should be supporting them

>Russia can't even defeat a poor neighbouring nation with pretty much no proper military until a decade ago
That poor neighbouring country does have massive support from the entire Western world tbf.
If it was just Ukraine on its own, Russia would have won by now.

Biggest imports russia is receiving are mechanical shit and electronic shit. You won't have to revolt, the military infrastructure will collapse before that.

Worked like a charm befor-
oh, wait

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I dont see America shitting their diapers and threatening to nuke everyone

Russia is north Korea tier now

How me not able to buy a game fucking change regime? Putin doesn't play video games.

>I buy games on sale
wow user you thanks for the $2 for our game haha...

America is too big of a market to neglect. Same about China.
And you don't want to put your own sanctions on yourself

But there is Russia. Not that huge economically. By shutting down your services there you farm almost free Brownie points

This this this. When France left NATO during the Cold War, what was America's response? Shrug and say "okay whatever, you'll be back". When any of the Warsaw Pact wanted to leave, what was Russia's response? Invade and install a friendly government.

Russia is the nigger of Europe.

>they were right
Ok glowie

Russia has more nukes than the US, or any other country on the planet. So yes, starting WW3 with them would objectively be a bad thing

this isn't about you, dirty slav, it's about them, their side and their virtue signaling
it's all part of their religion

Yeah and what was Putin expecting? For Europe to just accept him annexing a European nation right at their borders? Does he think this is Total War? The western response is perfectly predictable.

>buyfags getting rekt
Nice. Did they ban consoles too?

Looking at the state of Russia's military, I bet 90% of those nukes don't even work. I say we risk it.

In terms of weapons and sanctions, weapons which still have to make their way to the country. The first few days was Ukraine on it's own and Russia wasn't able to take a single major city until yesterday, they're getting humiliated.

It is unfair against all the russians who are against Putin, on the other hand whatever suffering you're going through at least you haven't lived the last two weeks in a bomb shelter unable to leave because you are expected to die for your country.

So what, you're saying Russia didn't invade? It's just a peacekeeping operation to get rid of Nazis?

Ok dude

World war 3 implies one group of powers against another

Russia is all alone now, there would be no world war, just russia getting bombed to pieces

No, while a lot of Russia's military is indeed shit; their nuclear forces are pretty well taken care of. Compare the Soviety surface navy (a joke) to the submarine navy (formidable and well funded).

Good for Blizzard. The whole point of sanctions is to stop the flow of money and goods from going in and out. You need all hands on deck for it to work and seeing the varriety of industries banding together is neat

Better than $0, and it's not like Steam sales often go below 75%.

Literally does not matter. The moment Russia even fires a single nuke, all of Russia would be toast. Putin's only option is to nuke all of the world at once in order not to get counterhit.

Only in Europe. If your country wasn't European and had something America wanted, they asked nicely once and if you said no they assassinated your leaders, installed some extreme government into office who allowed American companies to extract whatever resource they wanted from you.

>Russian child can't get video game
>complains to his parents, tells them Putin bad
>they beat him as punishment and go watch their daily dose™ of propaganda TV
>nothing changes

The world would be perfect if people like this didn't exist

>Putin goes full retard
>alienate the people who are your best chance of ending this without entire countries vanishing
Our civilization is too stupid to live.

That and Blackrock/ESG will blacklist you from loans and tank your stock price to "adjust it to its actual market value" if you don't lock step. It's all PR bullshit and rich people mad at other rich people for costing them a nice money laundering den.

Why do you keep brushing aside the fact that they have more nukes than any other country on the planet?

Two nuclear powers going to war is objectively a bad thing.

If anything sacntions versus russian civilians only supports Putins claim that evereone hate russians and want them dead. It's solidify his power. In the end, and that can be very soon, people in russia will be for all out nuclear war because they have nothing to lose.

Take this to Reddit, girls.

So I guess a new generation of Russian pirates will rise to save video game piracy.

>russian military

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Nuclear powers have been at war for a long time. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria and so on. They're just proxy wars and behind the scenes it's US fighting Russia and/or China.

>imposing economic sanctions on the Russian people is bad
>but nuking them is fine
This is your mind on brainworms, lel

you're just focusing on this one specific sanction, but the more there are the stronger the impact is

>Putin's only option is to nuke all of the world at once in order not to get counterhit.
The worst thing is that this entirely possible since Russia has more nukes than the US.
This dumb monkey has the power to send humanity back to the stone age.

>be citizen of a country
take up the arms and molotovs, go protest and if they try to take you to avtozak, actually try to resist instead of running away like a fucking cuckold
russians are a nation of low test niggers holy fuck

the number of cops is limited
the number of places in avtozak is limited

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That's what really is happening, yeah. Also banks they were using to convert cash from rubles are under sanctions so they are stopping all sales so that cash wouldn't be a dead weight while ruble keeps going down, effectively making that cash worth less with each day. Every single sale suspension of digital goods is a PR stunt, nothing more.

Russia isn't going to nuke their neighbor because they'd fuck themselves in the process. I mean, they're not going to nuke anyone thanks to MAD, but everyone knows the threat of nuking their own border is even emptier.

Read my post again idiot. If Russia fires nukes, it would be the most self-destructive act any leader has ever committed since Napoleon invaded Spain.

until china threatens to nuke my country, yeah

No that isnt true. Living without CoD isnt going make a Russian go to war. If anything giving them CoD all this time has made them more warlike.

Everyone and their mother knew Russia would invade. Just because Langley points out the obvious doesn't make them credible lol.

Isn't the more likely outcome that citizens will get more angry at the west and support their dictator? That's what happened in Venezuela.

Russians literally has based taste in game so they won't be missing any garbage of this community lmao.

Not yet, but I can't download games that i brought on Nindendo Switch. Or buy.

Reading all the faggy posts here, maybe it's for the best.

Well invading Ukraine is pretty self destructive, Russia has a shitton of sanctions and the economy is fucked, but clearly he doesn't seem to care about that

>Be ruskie
>Government that has nothing to do with you does something retarded
>Kikes punish (You) by taking your only form of escapism away while the actual responsible people laugh in commie
I would be fucking fuming.

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>said man safely at his keyboard.
if you have such an issue and you want everyone else to be supermen why don't you fly to russia, pose as a civilian and start these protests or are you too big of a pussy?

What happens when you try to protest in the Congress building? Oh yeah, you get arrested and thrown in jail for years. Fuck off, you're deluded on your own myth of rebellion. The fact is the government - any government - will do its utmost to push your shit in.

>riot because you don't get your yearly shooty bangy game
Do americans really?

Turns out, they just like authoritarian dictators and wanted Trump to become one. Doing shit that's good for optics (in the actual public not the twitter crowd), like pretending you don't want any war is how you get dumb normies on your side.

Any Forums is not pro russian lmao. Go take a look before you start saying shit Twitter tourist

Dumb mutt. In Europe populated spots are closer to each other while all of that is worthless desert