Do your favorite games work on Linux?

Do your favorite games work on Linux?

Attached: deck-verified.jpg (1280x720, 60.93K)

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How do I check that?

Attached: proton.png (225x225, 16.32K)

dont know dont care not a cuck lol

isnt that the nigga with the asian wife

No. That's why I'm waiting on official Windows support so I can play all my games and not twelve

uh... no?

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Doesn't Garry's Mod have a native Linux version?

No that's GNU

Attached: 1643923303526.jpg (464x315, 19.06K)

>developer unnecessarily puts anti-cheat into single player game just to keep Linux users from playing it

Attached: borg-gates.jpg (480x360, 10.45K)


Attached: stallmanu-san.jpg (1920x1080, 105.06K)

>he said with bill gates's cock inside his wife


>developer is too retarded for that and needs to seek and destroy linux users manually

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You WILL install Windows 11, you WILL enable TPM hardware DRM, you WILL submit to the mandatory telemetry and you WILL be happy.

for the most part

So far every game I've tried that wasn't marked as supported on Deck has worked pretty much flawlessly from VNs to MHW so yeah. It's great to have such a powerful machine to play games portably at an insanely low price, I feel bad for those who missed out or waited before reserving one!

No, but they DO work on the Steam Deck. But not on regular Linux PC's with Steam installed.
For some fucking reason.
When's the compatibility update coming? Fucking seriously, this is stupid. I just wanna play Cuphead and Sonic Mania ffs.

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>No, but they DO work on the Steam Deck. But not on regular Linux PC's with Steam installed.

Settings > Steam Play > Advanced > Enable Steam Play for all titles

If I do it that way for games that aren't officially marked as "supported," then their saves won't be synced.

Linux gaming is a fucking joke, even more so than Mac gaming

My entire steam library of 250 games save for like 10 works on linux, and I didn't give a shit about linux while buying all those games
I guess I just play good games, meaning good devs, meaning good linux compatibility