This is the man who will destroy FROMSOFT

Jesus Christ...what happened to him?

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Joseph Anderson was always better

>Was getting five thousand dollars a month
>Now two thousand and dropping fast

If you watch game analysis or review videos you NEED to kill yourself

Anderson is matthewmatosis but worse. I actually don't mind Anderson as a dumb twitch streamer who laughs at weeb shit but his essays are too long and have like almost zero interesting insight to them.

that fag isn't any better, he hasn't made a good video in like 2 years.

just completely ghosted the world.

Why can't he release on a regular bi-yearly schedule?


The town made him stupid.

I'm glad he's doing what he wants, but it seems odd to just stop making videos altogether. To go from being one of the best video game critics to an inexperienced indie game dev seems rough. On the plus side, if he ever does actually make a game he'll get a bunch of exposure from his video-making days.

Pay piggies

This retarded project of his isn't going anywhere and he's throwing away the dream job of 100 million Any Forumsirgin neets for it. Respectfully go fuck yourself Mr. Matosis.

>seething over someone doing what they enjoy instead of becoming a youtube reviewer wagie

>To go from being one of the best video game critics to an inexperienced indie game dev seems rough.
I suppose that's a humbling experience. Making video games let alone making it on your own is certainly much harder thing to do than simply making an observation of one and criticizing it.

>YouTuber starts a patreon to support themselves
>makes less videos after it
Why is this so common?

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The faggot e-celeb you love to jack off is not video games.

He is not going to do it. He is scared to shit on fromsoftware drones.

yeah how dare you enjoy yourself and not spend time shitposting on a basket weaving forum instead

Anderson is a retard who got filtered by Steins;Gate.

Most people do what they love as a hobby aside from their work. But then when they accept responsibility, their hobby becomes their work, and the passion dies off. I can speak from experience, as someone who also has a patreon and struggles to get work done. This is why people need discipline and routines in order to stay productive. You can't always wait until you feel like doing something before you do it. You just have to start doing it.

once you've made it, you have no reason to want to try if you were in it for the money. also, tons of people stop enjoying anything the second it becomes "a job". See Chris Chan, who obsessively loved making his comics on his own, but the second people were literally donating $1000+ to him for more pages he stopped making them because it became an obligation.

He literally said he's stopping videos to work on a video game

Depression Quest 2?!?

Worse, metroidvania 2D platformer.

watching shit like this is fine or whatever, posting about it is fucking gay, it's like seeing tabloid shit on a magazine rack.