How do we fix it?

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make a fucking sequel for consoles, and update the original to where everyone can host servers and play over LAN, the pirated version is already way better than the paid one

Remove endgame and make the game about leveling again.

take the entire development team and all middle managers and executives out back and shoot them

Mercy kill

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you remember how terrorists would broadcast beheadings? you do that but with the entire modern wow team. then you make a new team and go hard on one final content patch where the world is slowly consumed by darkness until nothing remains and all you hear is the sound of sylvanas getting enriched by some orcs.

Nothing to fix. its fine as is.

tauren mommy milkers

this but with dogs

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Wow I love shadowbolting 1 mob at a time to death

Give it up.
This is your only choice, or you die.

With that said, was it really not that obvious to anyone?!

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I would personally have a lot of fun if they made a WoW 2 that was purely focused on PvP. Something ala DAoC or WAR, where the players are the content. This whole thing of having to wait for PvE content is no longer sustainable.


Fire everyone involved in it, then mercy kill the game.

Japs already did

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both tranny games

That's literally endgame though. Leveling has you using multiple spells.

Fire Ion

Pull a Shinji Aoba and burn down every single one of their office buildings.

I've tried to play xiv multiple times and I can never get past how mind numbingly boring it is. There's nothing even remotely resembling challenging content; I don't think I could die if I wanted to. It seems like the vast majority of players are trannies who just sit in cities erping and spamming advertisements for "parties" at their houses. Movement and combat are weightless and floaty and pvp is a mindless zergfest with 70+ people on a single map.

I tell this to people and they say, oh, well, the endgame raiding is really challenging though! And that's great, that's really wonderful, but the problem is that square has gated the endgame behind literal hundreds of hours of content so simple and easy that a 5 year old could clear it, if that 5 year old cared to spend the more than two weeks of in-game time it would take to clear.

For all Blizz's flaws, at least they don't make new content inaccessible to new players.

cant, its fucking dead. 9.2 is as boring as fuck and the raids look shit.