Elden Ring

Says he's done with Dar Souls.
Proceeds to make yet another Dark Souls.
Soulsfags proceed to suck his tiny Asian dick.
Holy shit you cant make this shit up.
This place is way worse than reddit, fucking hive minds

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Which boss filtered you tell us don't be ashamed

t. hasn't completed Elden Ring

Because people are braindead normies. When he made a great non-souls game in the form of Deracine most never even heard about it much less played it.

Probably because it's VR and most people don't give a fuck about VR.

Ive already beat it dipshit.& Im not even a DS fan. I love FS BUT Souls fucking suck.

LMAO point it out & how nobody of the retards here have nothing to say. Pathetic.

It's a restart, and he's utilized past elements of the previous games.

So fucking what? We needed this. Sequels suck. I hope there isn't an Elden Ring 2.

Holy shit, look at the cope here. The lack of self awareness fuck

fuxking hack indeed

truth as been spoken here

A liberal homosexual feminist Jap was teaching a class on Hidetaka Miyazaki, known hack.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Fromsoft and accept that The Lands Between is the greatest fantasy setting of all time even greater than Arda!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, British WW1 veteran who had served 1500 tours of duty on the Somme and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all decisions made by Butcher Haig stood up.

”What are the gameplay differences among the past seven Fromsoft games?”

The arrogant nip smirked quite jewishly and smugly replied “Each game is completely different, you stupid gaijin”
”Wrong. It's the same game remade over half a dozen times, and is advertised as such. Even George Martin himself referred to Elden Ring as a Dark Souls sequel. Where is Tenchu?”

The From shill was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Elden Ring. He stormed out of the room crying those Japanese crocodile tears. The same tears Japanese (who today live in such luxury most can afford multiple body pillows) cried when Hiroshima was bombed. There is no doubt that at this point our Jap-faggot wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a garbage rehash consoomer. He wished so much he could die a glorious death in battle, but he knew deep down he would never be a white man!

The students applauded and became Tolkien fans that day and accepted the Pope as their Lord and Master. A giant eagle named “Thorondor” flew into the room and perched atop the flag of Gondor and shed a tear on the White Tree. The Return of the King was played in co-op several times, and Shazam himself showed up and handed out free Big Gulp sodas across the universe.

The Jap was fired the next day and sunset found him squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was committing sudoku in brown water.

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post screenshot

Miyazaki is amazing, motherfucker is responsible for some of the best peices of media(not even just games) created in the last decade but nobody in their rightful minds can deny that Elden Ring is redundant & is a lazy bullshit cope. Mnetaion it to all the hiveminded cultists here, watch how they all scramble


You're telling me you don't like watching woke ableist-crying fags seethe every time he releases a popular game?

>Says he's done with Dar Souls
He lied

whatever, hack ass licker, how far up is your tongue?


I can't even remember his name dude. Souls games are fun.

s-u-u-u-u-u-re cunt

You seem to have an obsession having made this thread though

lol talks about obsession in a forum obsessed with Elden Ring, ok.
