He filtered millions

>He filtered millions

Attached: 1F225238-6751-44C1-BCF5-788155BDE73D.jpg (736x552, 132.46K)

nobody plays skyrim anymore, kindly fuck off.

i remember killing it on my first try, how does any lose to this?

20,000 currently playing it on steam alone.

as I said, fucking nobody.

20,000 is a lot

This fuck can be annihilated by a literal level one player.

Even toddlers wouldn't get filtered by bitchmade Bethesda bosses.

Exactly, they all got filtered

Is there a single thing Bethesda does better than other companies? They come off like lazy assholes for what's supposed to be a triple A developer.

to save billions

Zelda/Souls/FO/Elder Scrolls are my favorite games. What I like about Bethesda:

>Comfy open worlds that fit to their themes
>Lots to do
>Can loot everything off anyone you kill
>Quirky and silly npcs/encounters
>multiple replays through each game with different builds/new experiences I missed before
>Lots of fun ways to roleplay (in Skyrim I haven’t gotten the Dragonstone my last 3 playthroughs for a no dragon world)
>Physics engine although dated is still fun at times
>Easy to pick up and play and go wherever/do whatever you want

Amazing games to just shut your mind and go lollygagging for hours.

A lot of nothing

Theres a firestorm scroll right before the boss RETARDS

no one offers first person open world games that even come close to the universe and world building they have. you would think given just how massive Elder Scrolls is there would be multiple copy cat franchises, but there isn't.

I was always scared of these fuck back in 2011 lol

i disagree, i think its not nothing

play kenshi

Why yes, I do play with the mod that disables those fuckers and all spider webs, do you have a problem with that?

>fireball scroll and paralysis poison in the previous room just begging to be taken
...people got filtered by that spider? Really?

>sit outside his room and use fire spell while out of range until he dies
what a tough encounter!

for sheer immersion and comfy roleplaying, they're practically unrivalled
I wish TES6 was coming out this year honestly. I don't want to have to wait until 2026 at the EARLIEST to have to play it

its a elden ring meme thread

this but with archery

Fuck user, never heard of it and looked it up. This game looks amazing. 10/10 recommendation but I’m a console fag…fuck

it unironically filtered my friend
he has severe arachnophobia
as soon as he saw this thing he closed the game and uninstalled and never played it again
i laughed

So why is it just spiders? There's plenty of shit in games that I imagine scares people, but does arachnophobia just really bug people so much? Aren't people afraid of stuff like snakes and scorpions just as much as spiders?

Attached: tigerhat.jpg (400x400, 20.18K)

kindly delete this, i have severe tigers wearing hats phobia

I thought it was a little much when Avengers put a warning for the Black Panther DLC about spiders…apparently people really just NOPE at the sight of one…even virtually…

I used to live in a shack in the woods, full of spiders. They’re harmless, and even the big ones you can just stomp out