Just picked up this game Any Forums what am I in for?

Just picked up this game Any Forums what am I in for?

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Lots of politically incorrect wrongthink

a rational reason to hate black people

The reason why I'm a racist

a bunch of Any Forumstards about to claim that math is a white construct and racist.

Literally one chapter about race, and the rest about class. And it refuses to talk about any potential link between genes and intelligence. Despite what idiots like Shaun say, there's nothing in the book that is controversial to anyone familiar with the science.

Doesn't mean anything. India as a country has below average IQ, but Indians are the most successful in America after Jews.

Lots of incoming cope and seethe

East asians high performance hence good at math and engineering
Jews high verbal iq hence good talkers and managers and intellectuals
Whites balanced intelligence profile

>New York Times Bestseller
Certified dogshit

Just picked up this game Any Forums what am I in for?

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pseudo science that has been thoroughly debunked for decades now.

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A piece of poorly put together rhetoric used to try to convince people to support the authors political viewpoints

>Bro I read one book and it had fancy talks about muh society and an epick math graph on the cover I'm totally educated right now and everything I believe is now facts

It has been positively affirmed in every way since publication. Far from being debunked, academia and the government and media merely banned it from consideration as they have for everything else.

Self dissapointment if you're into instant gratification and think you get to brag about drawing talent after only a few months of doing homework.

You'll never play it, just put it on your shelf for others to see.

>it has been affirmed
In what ways?
>it was banned
From where? Who banned it?

And what are blacks and latinos intelligence suited for?

Pleasuring white, Asian and jew women, duh.

Convincing people they're the victims of racial discrimination even in a society where they are the only people against whom racial discrimination is illegal?

Reading The Mismeasure of Man in 10 years when you turn 25 and realizing what a retard you've been all your life

So emotional manipulation basically