Sees a giant needle filled with an unknown red substance

>Sees a giant needle filled with an unknown red substance
>Immediately injects it into his arm without any prompting

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>Sees a giant needle filled with an unknown red substance
>Immediately injects it into his arm without any prompting

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He was being controlled you dumbass
Also Andrew Ryan is your father

The cool irishguy told him he needed it and he seemed a trustworthy fellow :)

It has an apple on it, apples are good for you!

Because Atlas said "Would you Kindly".

clearly that's a health potion and the protagonist realized mainly because he is a true gamer and also very unchained and rebelous (look at the tattoos) and the health potion is apple flavoured as you can see on the sticker and apples taste good

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yes that's the plot of the game.

He didn't. They literally wrote an entire explanation for why he would do something so retarded as in the OP, and they didn't use it.


>"Now would you kindly find a crowbar or something"
"Something" implies the plasmid needle, especially since Atlas wasn't planning on the celling collapsing and Jack having to find a crowbar or a wrench.

Wasn't there a bunch of ads telling you about how plasmids were awesome and that you should guy one?

>retarded tattoos
>does retarded shit

This tracks

That's a stretch.
>here's a place that's clearly gone to absolute shit
>so i should blindly trust what the wall ads tell me

Heh like something else heh.

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I eat food off the floor when I see it in the streets. I drink abandoned cans of Arizona Ice Tea and Red Bull. I eat whole rotisserie chickens out of the dumpster. This is a normal thing for him to do.

and what is that explanation

>without any prompting

That the MC does whatever Fontaine/Atlas tells him when "Would you kindly?" is used.

Yes, there is no prompting for Jack to do it. Atlas never tells him to do it, actually play the game.

Absolutely not. Sure, it's obvious he wasn't planning on the ceiling collapsing. But he knew it did. He says on the radio that the splicers sealed in Johnny before killing him. He was aware of the situation.

>inject any substance you find in case it grants you cool powers
too based

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The only prompting was the vending machine itself playing it's advertisement with a little girl boasting about how great her daddy was. And there wasn't a "would you kindly" in that ad, so it wasn't a forced prompt.

Chad got da super powers and raised Loli harem. Men choose.

This is weird because I literally just started a replay of Bioshock 1 to try out the remaster and had the exact same thought because atlas doesn't say anything about the plasmid until after you acquire it.

I think this is the best answer, I distinctly remember the ad playing while I was hopping around the room checking the tables for items.

Would you not? What are you fuckin gay?