

Attached: 1639421935767.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

me when I get a (you)

Oh there it is. He posted it again. Isn't pedophilia just hilarious? Haha I'm so edgy I'm a fucking monster. No. Fuck you. This shit has to end and it has to end now. I'm tired of seeing this horrible meme here on my board. Go fuck yourself if you think this shit is ok.
The same fucking thing day after day after day and the janitorial staff does absolutely nothing to stop it. This shit isn't funny. You're not funny. You're mentally ill. Fuck you. It's only a matter of time before the internet finally stops being anonymous and I don't have to see shitheads like you here. And don't even post that fucking laughing emoji either. Don't even reply to me because fuck you. Just leave this place already and learn how to behave like a real human being. It's no wonder everyone thinks this website is terrible if this is your idea of a funny meme. You don't say this shit in real life do you? Then don't say it on my board either. Go talk to a real woman from time to time instead of being an asshole here and get laid for a change.

? its a chinese video game


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are these lalafells or the new pokemon protags?

user that's a videogame

Why are janitroons allowed to delete on-topic threads?

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'ate pedos
'ate blacks
'ate asians
'ate loligaggin

'luv me xbox
'luv me D2
'luv me shitpostin
'luv me big tits

simple as

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i'm embarrassed for you

Shitposting aside I don't think I've ever seen that sort of effect applied real-time. Is that happening here or is it a pre-rendered video?

>what kind of animation you want?
>give me that 'raw mocap data of pudgy middle aged gooks acting like children'

>It's only a matter of time before the internet finally stops being anonymous
and then its only a matter of time before you're forced to join us on tor because sanitizing the internet also means getting rid of you.
if you think this is bad wait until you're on a platform where there isn't even a rule of law.

I honestly didn't ask.

Oh there it is. He posted it again. Isn't pedophilia just hilarious? Haha I'm so edgy I'm a fucking monster. No. Fuck you. This shit has to end and it has to end now. I'm tired of seeing this horrible meme here on my board. Go fuck yourself if you think this shit is ok.
The same fucking thing day after day after day and the janitorial staff does absolutely nothing to stop it. This shit isn't funny. You're not funny. You're mentally ill. Fuck you. It's only a matter of time before the internet finally stops being anonymous and I don't have to see shitheads like you here. And don't even post that fucking laughing emoji either. Don't even reply to me because fuck you. Just leave this place already and learn how to behave like a real human being. It's no wonder everyone thinks this website is terrible if this is your idea of a funny meme. You don't say this shit in real life do you? Then don't say it on my board either. Go talk to a real woman from time to time instead of being an asshole here and get laid for a change.

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needs correction...

that's what's up


>internet stops being anonymized
>all image boards get deleted starting with Any Forums
>"But but but, NOOOOO. You were supposed to delete the PEDOS ONLY"

In what world did you think removing everyone's rights because you dislike the content of a fictional digital image was a good idea?

What made you become based and love little girls so much?

we’re never gonna have a good DokeV thread on this board are we

>sees video of animated children dancing
>this is pedophilia!

This was so embarrassing to watch. Not even pedos thought this was entertaining to watch for 3 entire minutes. Imagine being there life, you couldn't mute it or fast forward, you had to sit there and absorb every second of it. Why do koreans have zero sense of taste, they just mix as many colors and patterns together as possible to make shit as busy as possible.

post the dancing boy
that's right coomers, there are boys in this game

What the fuck is this game even about?

This is uncanny and weird. It looks like the kind of shit Russian or Indian slave shops create and shit out onto Netflix for toddlers to go cockeyed staring at.

being a kid and battling/catching monsters based on Korean folklore in a beautiful high graphics coastal Korean town


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I remember seeing this live. I thought it looked cool and fun actually. I honestly didn't expect faggots to immediately turn it pedo since the characters look like Pixar animations

Well it all started when I was 5 years old. There was a girl in my kindergarten class I had a crush on. Ever since then, I've been attracted to females.

am I the only one who is looking forward to DokeV unironically and not just to be a cool Any Forums pedo?

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thanks doc

I am. Like with everything else. Ignore Any Forumseddit opinions.

I had a childhood sweetheart that I refuse to move on from because the adult world disgusts me and always hurts me emotionally
all I crave is wholesome child on child romance

Please, God, tell me this is a pasta.

Has there been any news on how the game is going or did they reduce it to an MV creator

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Sid the Science Kid

Someone in another thread said it looked like food fight and they were spot on.

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its blatant vaporware

i dunno what this is but something tells me that those dudes who screech about anime and say it's for pedophiles are going to be all over this game.

It looks fun

I don't know, but if we don't hear something this year then the game is literally dead vaporware.

I was interested more when it was an MMO.
I don't really trust korea to make anything that isn't an MMO. Like, their MMOs are usually mediocre, but there's an occasional slam dunk (DNF, maplestory, GnG online, grand chase) so there's a chance.
The only single player korean game I've ever given even the slightest fuck about though would be the Astonishia Story series, and that's mostly the original release, though 2 was okay for what it was (It's known as crimson gem saga/garnet chronicle in the west because the western release of astonishia story got fucked so badly by shit localization.

this unironically

I still have no fucking idea what DokeV is even about, but I still want to try it out? There's so much going on.

dokev is one of those games that has very fun monster designs that i would hope they did something with but i have a feeling it'll just be shallow like yokai watch and pokemon will continue to reign uncontested
not responding to the samefag bait btw

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kinda? i love cunny but it genuinely looks like a cool game.
too bad it will probably suck dick like all of the games released nowadays but still

In my opinion, you really shouldn't assume much about the game from the term "MMO"
MMO can be a very vague term. They only removed it because of the negative association of being just another Korean MMO.
It will most likely still be online servers of many players, and you could still call it an MMO and not be wrong.

all we know is that the game's gonna be speeshur

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Monster catching game, but instead of battling with the monsters, they empower weapons you use/become weapons.
If you've ever heard of GhostX, it's got the same lead concept designer, and a few of the other staff have also been hired. Not sure where they dug them out of since most of them left the industry after ghostX shut down initially, but hey I'm not complaining.
If you look in the original reveal trailer, I'm talking from years ago, you can see reused assets from ghostX, including some of the nanos as graffiti.

>I still have no fucking idea what [korean game] is even about, but I still want to try it out? There's so much going on.
user, you've cracked the code on how korean devs sucker people into playing their garbage.

Honestly, even if it was just that one map and all you could do was move around in it and customize your character, I'd still enjoy it. It looks really pretty.

>Monster catching game, but instead of battling with the monsters, they empower weapons you use/become weapons.

Huh, interesting twist to monster games. I really hope it doesn't suck.

Wow! Look at all those flashy effects! This game is surly going to be amazing!


>be me
>excited for this game
>not attracted to the lolis
The same thing happened to me with A Hat in Time and Onirism. I can UOOOOHHHHH as much as the next guy but when it comes to games like this one I legitimately just find them fun and adorable.


what is the name of this "game"?

ITT: Rockstars

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