Why are the new Pokemon designs so bad?

Why are the new Pokemon designs so bad?

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degenerates like you

i like fuecoco

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cute leaf

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Bubble Bobble buddies

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uhmm.... lol??? her spine is literally broken..... men i swear.....

Weed Cat lmao

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Which one will you choose, Any Forums?

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>Have a good male friend, bit autistic but low on the spectrum
>know he's a massive pokemon fan
>he has tons of pokemon plushies surrounding his bed
>start wondering if he fucks them

>designs so bad?
to filter retards fags like you.

The boy in-game literally looks like a girl, so I may as well go with the girl since she's hotter

a fresh egg, i see.

I'm going to sexo that gato

I love him.

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that’s my daughter you sick fucks

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so hrt does nothing?


I haven't gotten results this good even after a year and a half, what bullshit is this?

>the tiddy scars
sad how many character designs ive seen with this detail, fetishizing their self harm

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a cat is fine too

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>far left

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I don't know if I should give props to memes like this or hate them. HRT does not change you that drastically, and it takes years to even start working properly. So the two effects this has are
>more people are manipulated and groomed into thinking they can become a woman
but also
>diehard trannies will get tricked into thinking this is the case and will rope faster when they realize it doesn't work that fast
Net positive or net negative? I'd have to go with net negative since it results in people getting groomed faster

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