Your Elden Ring build

This is my Paladin build so far, haven't got too far into the game. Opinions?

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Looks like dogshit

Str or dex? Or just enough to use the weapon? Looks good though

wish the hat was a darker color but o well

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Str, but got made it Faith scaled with a Ash of War, so I left Str at 20 and focusing on faith for now. More Str will be leveled when I ve hit soft cap.

I heard the caps are shit and to just meet the requirements. Maybe that's wrong though.

Lance+Greatshield with the barricade shield ash of war
lot'sa vit
lot'sa end
Feels good being unkillable

Maybe so, again I m pretty early game. I'm level 60 and a bit, I get 590 ar with the sacred oath (or whatever is the elden ring ewuivalent) and ash of war buff.

>pls summon me

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WarriorCHAD coming through. Recently subbed out the Dismounter for the Guts Greatsword. Had to shed my armor until I get better endurance though.

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Very original

Easy to say, not a lot of Paladin ish Knight armor sets to be found so far. I'd say I've done well all things considered, combined 3 different sets. Could have just wore a full set of Radahn Knight armor or Crucible Knight set, but fuck trying to get a more unique result, right? But I agree it's pretty generic looking, will try other things as I progress through the game.

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Have you tried Rogier's hat?

Big sword with beast incantations.

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stone of gurranq is kino

Only like 4 hours in and I still have the starting prisoner set. When do you start finding armor?

play the game

I have to take long breaks because it makes my GPU overheat.


I have, but its not big enough. I love Ranni's hat cuz its absolutely massive. Also tried Alberichs too which you find in Lenydell but again it was too tiny.

Without spoilers, could someone give me directions to more spells/miracles? i.e. check southeastern Limgrave

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I've been using those light blade things on your wrist and they are so fucking good holy shit

Looks very holy user. Personally went for a mage knight build, seems I picked a good time to finally try int.

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Basically just the enchanted knight but magic bastard sword instead of a spear

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Duck Ass Thief build right now. Fun to DW two bleed daggers and just go ham after dodging the 350 hit combos the bosses do.