50+ hours in

>50+ hours in.
>Game still opens up.
>No end in sight.
>Places EVERYWHERE that I didn't fully explore.

This game is actually amazing.

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maybe for the adhd mentally defective theme park lover zoomer. quality > quantity

The game shits all over the linear progression of the prior games and you saying there's no quality basically proves that you haven't played it.

dark souls 1 shits on its mostly empty open world.
interconnected levels is the best kind of open world and elden ring would've been better if it was like that

too bad the combat in these games suck

Seethe faggot, stormveil alone has more complex level design than anything in DS.

>dark souls 1 shits on its mostly empty open world.
Bullshit. Play the game.

~30 hours in and regretting my starting choice of Wretch. I've cleared maybe 90% of Ligmagrave and killed Godrik, should I start fresh?

i am, and most of the open worldspaces are tiny dungeons with the occasional point of interest and tough enemy, cut out most of the riding around and connect all the main points together would dramatically improve this game.

Yea it’s so easy to tell who hasn’t played it. I literally only use my horse to back track since there’s so much shit to find in every nook and cranny. As well as fights and events scattered between. Hidden dungeons, npcs…it seems a lot of people are mad they don’t get to play it and latch onto whatever shallow critism they see in an effort to make em feel like their opinion gives a damn.

This game is fuckin awesome

this just literally isn't true lol, upgrade your PC or buy console and actually play the game

Thought the game was really "meh" at first, but the further I'm getting in the more I'm enjoying it. Already considering it one of FS's better titles, WAY better then DS3.
I still like the more hyper focused expereance of BB though.

What level are you? You sound like you’re early enough (relative to the game) that you can rework your build.

I could take it or leave it but the open world is pretty great and I’m having fun getting through it in my own way without being a neurotic fag about design like I’m reviewing some shit instead of playing it for fun. Get a grip

you're either a cockguzzling fanboy, a discord shazamfaggot who has yet to kill her(him)self. or fishing for bait

you are seriously thinking someone who loves dark souls 1 isn't playing elden ring and judging it from that perspective? obviously everyone is playing it and shitting over its shitty open world, the legacy dungeons are great tho and bosses are mixed. some are quite enjoyable, others are either too fast for your moveset or too many delayed attacks like in dark souls 3 just making it a boring grind fest. sorry it's not a masterpiece every npc on metacritic believes it to be.

>make samurai as first character
>rolling around trying to survive
>stuck at margit after 4-5 hours
>make a new vagabond character
>much better and optimized run
not sure if i want to try a magic character after another couple of hours, found no spells or anything

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user, I... it's all empty space and copy pasted flowers/animals/enemies

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Nigga, just stick with the game. You can rebirth later on. Restarting is literally a waste of time.

>say you haven’t played Elden Ring without saying you haven’t played Elden Ring

Geez just fuck off, we get it. You don’t like the game.

I wouldn’t freak out too much trying to compare them. I know it’s important to stay lucid and to judge the quality of things in your life, but it doesn’t have to be a competition. This is all for fun, this game can be the one where you ride around on a horse